Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Neurología, de la Liga Ecuatoriana Contra la Epilepsia y de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Enfermedad Cerebrovascular

Artículos de Revisión


Enfermedad de Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada, revisión de literatura: Una entidad infrecuente con tratamiento efectivo. Literature review on Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease: An infrequent entity with effective treatment.

Introduction: Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) disease is an uncommon systemic inflammatory disease of autoimmune etiology. It can present neurological, auditory, dermatological, and ophthalmological manifestations, it has a well-established natural clinical course with variations between different states, which constitutes a diagnostic challenge in clinical practice.

Development: A search of literature on Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease available until July 2023 in the databases PubMed and Scopus was carried out, including MeSH terms “Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease,” “Uveitis,” “Uveitis-Meningitis Syndrome,” “Aseptic meningitis.”

Conclusions: Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease is considered an infrequent and multifaceted condition, which constitutes a diagnostic challenge. There is evidence supporting a mechanism of autoimmunity mediated by T-lymphocytes against melanocyte antigens, the triggering factor is still uncertain. The diagnosis of this disease is clinical, associated with complementary imagenologic and laboratory exams, it is necessary to conform better diagnostic criteria to achieve an early diagnosis and treatment, oriented to obtain better clinic results for patients with this disease.

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Asociación entre Inflamación y Desempeño Cognitivo en Adultos: Revisión Sistemática en PubMed 2017-2022. Association Between Inflammation And Cognitive Performance In Adults: Systematic Review In Pubmed 2017-2022.

Introduction: The decline of cognitive functions is one of the main negative changes associated with aging. In recent years, interest has grown in determining whether inflammation affects cognitive decline and to what extent. The objective was to review the literature for studies that investigated the association between inflammation and performance in specific cognitive domains (example, memory, attention, or language), and in adults of all ages.

Methods: The PubMed database was consulted between 2017-2022. A systematic review was carried out according to the PRISMA statement and 27 scientific articles were selected.

Results: 26 out of 27 articles warned that greater inflammation is associated with poorer performance in attention, memory, executive functions, language, and processing speed, among the main cognitive domains. The evidence includes adults of various ages with and without a history of inflammatory or neuropsychiatric disease. Eight longitudinal studies indicated that inflammation is an important predictor of cognitive decline.

Conclusion: The reviewed studies suggest that a higher level of inflammation is associated with worse performance in specific cognitive domains, with evidence for adults of different ages, with and without a history of disease. Some methodological recommendations are offered to improve the comparability between studies.

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Intervenciones Cognitivas, Emocionales y Educativas Para Niños en Primera Infancia. Revisión Sistemática. Cognitive, Emotional And Educational Interventions For Children In Early Childhood. Systematic Review.

Introduction. It is essential to implement intervention processes during early childhood for the recognition and management of emotions. This stage of development is the foundation for learning and for acquisition of cognitive, behavioral, and social skills.

Objective. Evaluate the quality of the interventions from the cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects in early childhood, which allow guiding educational programs for the development an d strengthening of emotional intelligence.

Method. A search was performed in digital databases: Scopus, ScienceDirect, APA PsycNET, ProQuest, Web of Science, and Pubmed between January 2013 and August 2022.

Results. 165 articles were identified in the aforementioned databases, resulting in 26 articles after using the different selection filters and inclusion criteria. Interventions focused on the family (14 interventions), the school (7 interventions) and the children (4 interventions) were identified.

Discussion. The interest in the development of intervention programs for children in early childhood with quality standards at the research level (clinical trials, large samples, bias control) and with positive results that reveal the importance of carrying out adequate accompaniment in said stage is highlighted development.

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Impacto de los trastornos motores del habla y deglución sobre la calidad de vida de personas con enfermedad de Parkinson: una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Impact of motor speech and swallowing disorders in quality of life of people with Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review of the literature

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s-type dementia. It is known that these types of diseases cause a significant decline in the quality of life of the people who suffer from them and in their next of kin. Understanding the physical and psychosocial effects of neurodegenerative diseases contributes to clinical decisionmaking. It is for the above mentioned that the present study aims to examine the current evidence regarding the direct impact that phonoaaudiological disorders of motor origin generate on the quality of life in people with PD. A systematic review of the literature was carried out. The articles were searched in the following databases: PUBMED, SCIELO and WOS, during the months of June and July of the year 2020, constituting a sample of 12 works, with a maximum age of 10 years. The analysed publications mainly describe the aspects of quality of life that are affected in people with PD, who suffer dysphagia or dysarthria, all this through the application of different questionnaires which evaluate different aspects of this concept. The results of the review show the importance of considering within the intervention process the component of quality of life in people with E.P, since the scores obtained according to the instruments applied indicate a decrease of this component and even more with the progress of the disease, which translates into worse quality of life related to food and speech.

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Perfil de efectividad y seguridad de preparaciones orales de cannabis para el tratamiento de epilepsias refractarias en la población infantojuvenil. Una revisión de alcance. Effectiveness and safety profile of oral cannabis preparations for the treatment of refractory epilepsies in infant-young population: A Scoping Review

Introduction: Refractory epilepsies (RE) are a common neurological condition expressed in childhood and adulthood, highlighting the current use of cannabis as an alternative treatment. Oral Cannabis Preparations (OCP) have demonstrated effectiveness in the adult population; however, knowledge is limited in the infant-young population.

Aim: To synthesize the available evidence on the efficacy and safety of OCP for the treatment of refractory epilepsies in the infant-young population.

Methods: The present study followed the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) guidelines and included studies from January 2013 until December 2020 from electronic databases, including SciELO, ScienceDirect, PubMed, and Web of Science.

Results: 7 articles were included in this scoping review for critical analysis. The results indicate that pharmaceutical and artisanal origin OCP has 41.3% effectiveness in reducing seizures and low safety after administration (≤ 27.4%). Likewise, after administration, the most frequent adverse symptoms were somnolence/fatigue, weight loss/decreased appetite, and irritability/aggressiveness.

Conclusion: The low levels of effectiveness and safety of OCP suggest that they should be administered with caution and as a complementary treatment and not as the first choice for managing RE in the infant-young population.

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Rol de los canales de sodio voltaje dependientes en la fisiopatología de la neuralgia del trigémino. Role of voltage-dependent sodium channels in the pathophysiology of trigeminal neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a severe chronic disorder that causes paroxysmal pain and dramatically decreases the quality of life of its patients. Although the pathophysiology of this disease has been extensively studied, the underlying molecular processes are still unclear, especially the role of voltage-dependent sodium channels in the triggering of painful crises. The main objective of this review is to summarize and update the important role of voltage-dependent sodium channels in the pathophysiology of trigeminal neuralgia, emphasizing the structural, functional and genetic alterations of these channels. It is concluded that trigeminal neuralgia is related to both congenital and acquired alterations in the e xpression of various voltage-dependent sodium channel isoforms.

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Genotipo polimórfico del gen MAOA y comportamiento antisocial en adolescentes y adultos varones. Polymorphic genotype of the MAOA gene and antisocial behavior in adolescent and adult males

Studies have shown the relationship between polymorphisms of the MAOA gene and the development of antisocial behavior, as men with low activity polymorphisms (MAOA-L) are more susceptible to develop violent behaviors than men with high activity polymorphisms (MAOA-H). The objective of the present work was to analyze the available scientific literature on the relationship of the polymorphic genotype of MAOA and the development of antisocial behavior in men, considering the environment as a genotypic modulator. A bibliographic review was carried out. Articles were selected whose sample consisted of male adolescents and adults with polymorphisms of the MAOA gene. Studies in women, reviews, unpublished data, and animal models were omitted. Twelve articles were analyzed: 10 studies (83.4%) concluded that the MAOA-L genotype plus childhood adversities, psychosocial factors, or alcoholism, had a higher risk of developing antisocial behaviors, 1 study (8.3%) concluded that the MAOA- genotype- H, associated with excessive alcohol consumption and abuse during childhood, had a higher risk of committing crimes and 1 study (8.3%) suggested the non-existent relationship between the MAOA-SNPs genotype and violence. We concluded that men with MAOA-L associated with environmental factors are more susceptible to develop antisocial behavior than those with the MAOA-H genotype.

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Relación entre el desarrollo psicomotor y funciones ejecutivas en la primera infancia de niños/as de 3 a 5 años. Relationship between psychomotor development and executive functions in early childhood of children from 3 to 5 years old

Psychomotor development is understood as the maturation of the central nervous system, which progresses as the child goes through stages in a linear and systematized manner. In relation to executive functions, these are known as a series of mental processes that allow managing and coordinating thoughts, emotional responses, and behavior. The main objective of the research was to analyze the relationship between psychomotor development and executive functions in children between 3 and 5 years old. For this, a bi bliographical systematic review study was carried out on psychomotor development and executive functions in children aged 3 to 5 years in the last 10 years. Likewise, the Scielo database was considered, and the observation technique was used to extract the information and bibliographic records were manipulated as a data collection instrument. The findings found that psychomotor development and executive functions are related, given that they have a predictive value in certain child development deficits. It can be concluded that language, social development, and motor skills are associated with cognitive processes, such as inhibition and working memory. In this sense, it is considered relevant that, in this age range, given the early psychomotor development and executive functions, nursery educators must be trained in this subject so that they can generate early intervention plans adapted for the promotion and prevention of certain deficits in early childhood development.

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Perspectiva histórica y actualidad de los síndromes antigangliósidos. Historical perspective and current scenarios of the antiganglioside syndrome

The antiganglioside syndromes constitute a large clinical spectrum. Its knowlegde has evolved from the classical pure clinical descriptions to a wide development of the immunopathology underlying these processes and its possibilities of treatment.

In this work we realize a bibliographical review analyzing its evolution from a historical perspective to date at four levels: clinical, topographic, immunologic, and therapeutic. We analyze critically well-known topographical and immunologic notions that are scarcely integrated in daily clinical practice. We debate about the need of establish a new nomenclature for these syndromes in two levels: clinical and immunologic. Finally, we review the current and under development therapeutic lines.

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Perfiles cognitivos-lingüísticos en personas mayores con Deterioro Cognitivo Leve, Demencia Vascular, Demencia con Cuerpos de Lewy y Enfermedad de Parkinson. Cognitive-linguistic profiles in older people with Mild Cognitive Impairment, Vascular Dementia, Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson’s Disease

Introduction: There is a wide heterogeneity of neuropsychological symptoms reported in pathological ageing. Current research has focused on patients with Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. However, still no detailed knowledge of the cognitive-linguistic profiles in patients whit Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and other forms of dementia.

Objective: To characterize cognitive and linguistic profiles in older people with MCI, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and Parkinson’s disease.

Methods: The present study followed the PRISMA guidelines and included studies from the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases, published between 2000 and 2020.

Results: 49 articles were included in this literature review for critical analysis. Older people with MCI, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and Parkinson’s disease shows a significant decline in the following cognitive domains: memory, executive function, attention, and visuospatial/visuoconstructive skills. However, linguistic symptoms are also reported, especially the deficit in verbal fluency (semantic and phonological) and syntactic-grammatical and discursive skills.

Conclusion: This literature review characterized cognitive-linguistic profiles in older people with MCI, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and Parkinson’s disease. These profiles could be helpful in clinical practice to improve early neuropsychological assessment processes and even determin e differential diagnoses between these clinical conditions.

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Alteraciones en el sistema nervioso producido por la obesidad. Alterations in the nervous system produced by obesity

Introduction: The central nervous system as well as the cardiovascular system are target organs, susceptible to endogenous and exogenous injuries. In this sense, the role that obesity has in relation to the direct or indirect affection towards the nervous tissue is little known, however, there is evidence that suggests that the decrease in cerebral blood flow as well as the exaggerated production of pro-inflammatory cytokines could be associated with damage to cellular tissue including gray matter and white matter.

Objective: The objective of our study was to review the available scientific literature on the macro and microstructural changes caused by obesity in the nervous system.

Methodology: Searches were made in English and Spanish in PubMed, GoogleSchoolar and Scielo using the following search terms: “OBESITY” OR “OVERWEIGHT” AND “BRAIN STRUCTURE” OR “GRAY MATTER” OR “WHITE MATTER” OR “BRAIN VOLUME”. We included articles since 2000 to 2021.

Results: The results show that obesity is associated with a decrease in brain tissue volume, possibly at the expense of a decrease in white and gray matter, which also causes demyelination and diffuse axonal damage in patients with body mass index > 30.

Conclusions: There are different mechanisms that affect the nervous system, producing macro and microscopic changes in obese patients, among which are decreased blood flow, alteration of the blood-brain barrier, production of proinflammatory cytokines, production of reactive oxygen species, among others, which lead to nerve cell apoptosis, decreased white matter volume white and gray matter volume, axonal damage among others.

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Construcción teórica neuropsicológica de las funciones ejecutivas. Theoretical neuropsychological construction of executive functions

Executive functions (EF) constitute a large conglomerate of cognitive abilities that, as their name indicates, carry out decisive actions in decision-making and human behavior. They are of a cognitive and socio-emotional nature, they coordinate the input and output information to regulate the behaviors, thoughts, and emotions of a task to be performed. Alexander Luria raises its conceptualization at the beginning of the seventies, being Muriel Lezak the one in charge of its scientific dissemination. In this article, a bibliographic compilation on EFs, their best known theoretical models, their neuropsychological evaluation process, the most common disorders and the most relevant studies in recent years is made.

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Localización cerebral y actividad eléctrica del razonamiento abstracto mediante electroencefalografía cuantitativa: Una revisión sistemática. Brain localization and electrical activity of abstract reasoning using quantitative electroencephalography: A systematic review

Abstract reasoning is the ability to process and solve tasks by means of cognitive tools, based on analysis, synthesis, pattern recognition, among others, being classified as a characteristic of human intelligence. From neuropsychology it is important to know studies that have determined through neuroimaging techniques the location of the functional architecture of this cognitive ability. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify brain areas and electrical activity using electroencephalography from abstract reasoning tasks. 

Through a systematic literature review based on the criteria of the PRISMA methodology, the academic databases PubMed, Sciencedirect, Scopus, Hinari, Dialnet, EBSCOhost were examined. The studies included in the review consist of articles from studies reviewed and published in the period 2016 to 2021. Ninety-six preliminary articles were identified, from which 16 studies were selected following the research inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results show that by performing different abstract reasoning tasks, synchronous neuronal interactions in the Theta-Alpha frequency range with main activation in frontal and parietal areas are observed by means of electroencephalography.

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Abordaje prequirúrgico en epilepsia de difícil control. Presurgical approach in drug-resistant epilepsy

Epilepsy is one of the main reasons for consultation in general neurology. It is a highly prevalent pathology, with a high impact on the quality of life of these patients. There is a percentage of drug resistance between 30% and 40% of epilepsy cases, and therefore it is very important to know the surgical alternative, as well as the importance of a timely and prompt referral to a specialized surgery center of epilepsy given the high possibility of seizure remission or improvement towards less disabling seizures, with a notable improvement in quality of life. The evaluation process of a patient with drug-resistant focal epilepsy who is a candidate for epilepsy surgery is based on a set of non-invasive diagnostic techniques. The evaluation process is based on the seizure locating semiology, an adequate protocol for the imaging study, electroencephalogram, and interictal and ictal video-monitoring, and neuropsychological evaluation in all cases, and in other functional studies such as computed tomography are necessary, ictal and interictal single-photon emission, positron emission tomography, and also invasive monitoring techniques, through which it is possible to proceed to surgery. A review of the literature is made.

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Relación entre la depresión y la demencia. Relationship between depression and dementia

The high association of depression and dementia in the elderly has motivated to investigate the type of relationship that exists between them. The objective of this narrative review was to describe the relationship between depression and dementia, for which the Medline, Science Direct, Dialnet, Redalyc databases were reviewed between 2000 and 2021, with the verbal descriptors “dementia” AND “depression” AND “relationship” AND “older adult” OUT “caregiver depression” to locate the candidate documents and then select the final sample made up of 60 published articles, which were reviewed by three judges for selection. Seven explanations of the relationship between dementia and depression were identified in which depression is considered a risk factor for dementia, a prodrome, a consequence, among others. Likewise, there was evidence that, although all the hypotheses have scientific support, there are also indications of their refutability. The types of relationship with the greatest scientific support were “depression as a risk factor” and “as a prodrome of dementia”, although the limitations in the studies prevent clarifying the relationship between these entities. Longitudinal studies that review the history of depression are suggested as a useful methodology to determine the relationship between them.

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Actualización y aproximación clínica a los modelos teóricos de la apraxia de extremidades. Approaching theorical models of limb apraxia: a clinical update

Apraxia is a common disorder in people who have suffered a left hemispheric stroke, with significant impact on their quality of life. Although several models have been proposed for its interpretation and approach, some aspects are still under study. The objective of this study is to review the current models of limb apraxia, to analyze the available evaluation tools and to make recommendations for clinical practice. The review shows that in the literature there is a greater interest in the conceptual system within the lexical-semantic route, without developing in detail the conceptual system within the visuomotor route. This article proposes a model of apraxia that overcomes these limitations and describes an assessment method focused on body knowledge within the visuomotor route. Finally, it is concluded that more studies are necessary to experimentally validate the proposed model and the associated evaluation methods.

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Marcadores cognitivos, biológicos, anatómicos y conductuales del deterioro cognitivo leve y la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Una revisión sistemática. Cognitive, biological, anatomical and behavioral markers of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. A systematic review

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects 50% of people over 85 years of age and is one of the most common in adulthood and the most common cause of dementia in developed countries. The objective was to determine which have been the most studied cognitive, biological, anatomical and behavioral markers of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD in the last 10 years. Observational studies were searched in the Scopus, Pubmed and Sciencedirect databases. 187 articles were identified, of which 23 with full text were finally selected. The studies corresponded to cognitive (15 studies), biological (8 studies), anatomical (3 studies) and behavioral (2 studies) markers. The identified markers will help guide the design of early detection programs and future interventions that reduce neuropathological effects and significant alterations in quality of life.

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Manifestaciones neurológicas del lupus eritematoso sistémico: Revisión de literatura. Neurological manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus: A comprehensive literature review

Among autoimmune diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) stands out. This disease is characterized by the involvement of several organs and systems, including the central nervous system, in which it produces various complications, some rare or documented in the literature, which makes its diagnosis difficult, resulting in delays for its treatment. Many of these complications occur after the initial diagnosis of SLE; for that reason, a neurological evaluation is recommended in the followup of patients with SLE.

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Instrumentos que evalúan la inteligencia emocional en estudiantes universitarios: Una revisión sistemática. Instruments that assess emotional intelligence in college students: A systematic review

Objective: To identify the studies that have applied Emotional Intelligence instruments in university students in the last 20 years (2001 to 2020).

Methodology: A desk study (systematic review) was carried out. The selection of primary studies was carried out in the Scopus and Scielo databases. The range of years systematized was from 2001 to 2020. The studies are published in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. The keywords in English were used: Instruments, emotion intelligence, evaluation; in Spanish: instruments, emotional intelligence, evaluation. The observation technique was used to record the information, and the instrument was an observation record.

Results: 75% (n = 12) of the primary studies were published in English, 18.8% (n = 3) in Spanish and 6% (n = 1) in French. Also, it is highlighted that 81.3% (n = 13) of the articles were published in the Scopus database, 18.8% (n = 3) in the Scielo database. The highest number of publications were in the last 5 years (62.5%, n = 10). The instruments that were used to evaluate EI were MSCEIT, Bar-On and TMMS.

Conclusion: It was verified that the Emotional Intelligence (EI) instruments that were most applied to university students were the MSCEIT, the Bar-On and TMMS, in addition, the studies from 2001 to 2020 were gradually increasing. The results suggest the use and application of these instruments for samples of young university students.

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Empatía: Medidas Cognitivas y Psicofisiológicas en Población Infantil Empathy: Cognitive And Psychophysiological Measures In The Child Population

Empathy has an important research trajectory since the last century in cognitive neurosciences. From the definition as a concept, the construction of evaluation instruments for different ages and the search for domains and aspects that address this component are still in force. This review aims to collect representative findings in the history of the conceptualization of the term and the development of measurement in empathy in populations, with special emphasis on the work carried out with the child population with self-report tools and psychophysiological measures. The review showed that there is a promising research horizon with psychophysiological techniques such as the EEG for the evaluation of the construct. The need to deepen the search for patterns in the ontogeny of empathy in childhood is discussed, as well as the design of new forms of measurement through self-report for research practice in Spanish-speaking countries that involve social dynamics and demographics of these populations.

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Ethnic Variations Are Still Underrepresented In Neuropharmacogenomics: A Systematic Review. Las Variaciones Étnicas Todavía Están Infrarrepresentadas en la Neuro Farmacogenómica: Una Revisión Sistemática

Context: There is a growing amount of evidence suggesting that specific medication responses can be linked to everyone’s genetic makeup. The advent of fast genomics and more accurate genetics has only fueled the research in understanding that link. This situation has opened exciting research fields, namely, pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics. Studies regarding treatment response to mental health conditions using new tools have caught much attention, especially for conditions such as bipolar disorder (BP), schizophrenia (SP), mania, and hypomania, in which the treatment response can vary significantly among patients. One-way to associate a patient’s genetics and his/her treatment response is by recalling the patient’s ethnicity. Exciting results have been found for different ethnic groups where Asian and Caucasian populations are the most studied. However, there is a profound lack of studies on African and Latin-American populations. This paper aims to show some pharmacogenetics/genomics studies of mental health disease and contrast the significant difference between population studies in this regard.

Methods: We follow the PRISMA methodology, a systematic search was performed on PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar, taking into consideration any type of studies published up to November 30, th 2019. The search contained the following terms: pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics, ethnicity, and ethnic groups combined with their respective treatment (antidepressants, lithium, anticonvulsant, and various types of antipsychotics) and the condition (bipolar disorder (BP), schizophrenia (SP), mania, hypomania, and major depressive disorders (MDD). In each database, an input contained terms as pharmacogenetics OR pharmacogenomics AND ethnicity OR “ethnic groups” AND “bipolar disorders” AND “lithium.”

Results: We found only 29 studies on studies on pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics and ethnicity/ethnic groups, 14 related to schizophrenia, 7 related to mania and major depressive disorder and, 8 with bipolar disorders. These research fields have continuously explored the link between an individual’s genetics and the treatment side effects. Even though nearly twenty genes were associated with treatment response, small changes such as a single nucleotide polymorphism can also influence the treatment response. Clozapine was the most used drug to explore its pharmacogenetics/genomics. More than half of the studies found were done on Europeans and more than three-quarters on Asians.

Conclusion: We found only five studies on pharmacogenetics of mania and major depressive disorder linked to ethnicity that involve the genes SLC6A4, ABCB1, NTRK2, SLC6A2, BDNF, PDE11A, and PDE9A, genes related to the use of fluoxetine and desipramine. Some studies suggest that the precision of using Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) as pharmacogenomics markers of treatment outcome, if appropriately used, could represent a significant advance in personalized medicine as two SNPs found in the same gene can yield different treatment outcomes. One expected result was that the vast amount of information found mainly reflected studies performed in Europe and Asia. However, we observed that the studies in Latino or Hispanic ethnic groups are very few, which constitutes a strong bias when choosing the appropriate drug in treating neuropsychiatric diseases, especially to understand any ethnic drug responses and take advantage of this growing and exciting field.

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Memoria Episódica en las Etapas Preclínicas de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer Genética. Episodic Memory In The Preclinical Stages Of Genetic Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction: Episodic memory (EM) allows us to recall events or lived experiences. EM is associated to the medial temporal lobe (MTL) activity, which has circuits integrated by different cortical association areas. EM impairment is the first symptom of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which is explained by the abnormal beta amyloid (βA) and phosphorylated tau protein (PTF) deposition in the MTL.

Development: A review about EM components and its assessment is done, especially related to preclinical stages of genetic AD. The relationship of EM components to βA and TFP deposition and the activity of MTL networks, using positron emission tomography (PET) of the brain, particularly in asymptomatic members of families at genetic risk for early AD, caused by the E280A mutation in preseniline 1 (PSN1), is revised.

Conclusions: The reviewed studies trend to validate the hypothesis, which would suggest that EM allows us to consolidate and recalling lived subjective experiences, which also allows us learning from the past. EM has been assessed with verbal declarative memory tasks. The asymptomatic members, carrying the E280A PSN1 mutation for genetic AD, have showed lower scores than asymptomatic non carriers on these memory tasks, which significantly correlates to PET-amyloid and PET-tau of MTL signals, up to 20 years before dementia onset.

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Parálisis Cerebral en Pediatría: Problemas Asociados. Cerebral Palsy In Pediatrics: Associated Problems

Introduction: Cerebral palsy is the most frequent cause of childhood disability. Children with CP will associate, in addition to neurological problems, other non-neurological disorders that will be more frequent with a greater degree of CP involvement.

Objective: To address the clinical manifestations of children with cerebral palsy and their diagnostic and therapeutic management in order to provide a comprehensive approach to these patients in a single document.

Development: A review is made of the clinical manifestations of the child with cerebral palsy including neurological disorders, orthopedic problems, digestive disorders, respiratory problems, bone health, visual and hearing problems, urological and sexual disorders, oral health, hypersalivation, sleep disorder and pain.

Conclusions: The approach to the patient with CP has changed in recent years. Care provided by an specialized multidisciplinary team is essential. However, from our experience, the role of a pediatrician who knows all the associated problems seems essential to coordinate all the follow-up.

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Revisión Sistemática de Literatura sobre Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil en Ecuador. Systematic Review Of The Literature On Child Neuropsychological Evaluation In Ecuador.

The objective of this study is to identify the cognitive functions evaluated and the tests used in child neurocognitive screening. Through a systematic review of the literature, the academic databases Pubmed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, Redalyc, Scielo and APA Psycnet were examined between the years 2014 and 2019. The results show that the functions considered for the evaluation are: language, memory, visual perception, attention, executive functions and learning abilities. In addition, the studies identify cognitive profiles based on the Wechsler, Kaufman Batteries and Infant Neuropsychological Assessment (ENI) scales.

In Ecuador, the Ministry of Public Health has not developed an instrument to carry out neurocognitive screening for children, so postgraduate thesis investigations were identified with the use of tests for specific situations such as violence, attention deficit, learning prob-lems and screening Infant highlights the use of the BREV Rapid Neurocognitive Function Assessment Battery model as a recommendation for a child neurocogitive screening instrument.

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El Uso de Programas Computarizados y su Efectividad en la Rehabilitación de Funciones Ejecutivas en Daño Cerebral Adquirido. The Use Of Computer Programs And Their Effectiveness In The Rehabilitation Of Executive Functions In Acquired Brain Damage.

Given the increase in the offer of computerized programs for the neuropsychological rehabilitation of patients with acquired brain damage, it is important to know their efficacy and the advantages of their application on different processes. This article reviews the use of these programs in the neuropsychological rehabilitation of executive functions in patients with acquired brain damage.

The search was carried out in sources such as PUBMED, internet searches and some lists of bibliographic references. Controlled, randomized articles were reviewed, and due to the characteristics of the topic, quasi-experimental studies and a case study, adults, were also included, excluding only articles that included adults patients with acquired brain damage and who had executive function failure without specify one in particular and that they have received cognitive rehabilitation through computer programs. The results reflect weaknesses in the matching of the control groups, the size of their samples, and in the use of instruments for measuring executive functions to objectify efficacy. In general, the programs reviewed do not prove to be more effective than those of traditional pencil and paper interventions.

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Diferencias en la Corteza Visual Primaria Entre la Ceguera Congénita, Temprana y Tardía. Una Revisión Sistemática Differences In The Primary Visual Cortex Between Congenital, Early And Late Blindness. A Systematic Review

The loss of a sense, such as sight, promotes research on brain plasticity and the activity of the visual cortex, either with task or at resting-state. However, the activity of the primary visual area, its role in perception through cortical signals, once blindness has developed, is still being investigated. There is evidence of the differences between the changes associated with the different types of blindness, however, it is difficult to define how the anatomical and functional changes are interrelated and how they depend on, when vision is lost. That is why the main objective of this review is the clarification and definition of said modifications.

Important differences have been found in terms of the thickness and volume of the visual area, and how its decrease implies a greater activity detected by overload of neurons. Therefore, it explains a greater activity in congenital and early blindness compared to late blindness. Similarly, there is greater connectivity between the ventral and dorsal pathways in congenital blindness, as well as a lesser decrease in fractional anisotropy of the white matter (FA), compared to the other two types of blindness.

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Etiología del Daño Cerebral: Un Aporte Neuropsicológico en su Construcción Teórica (Primera Parte). Etiology Of Brain Damage: A Neuropsychological Contribution In Its Theoretical Construction (First Part)

The brain is the organ responsible for all the brilliant activities that human beings perform, such as thinking, acting, speaking, solving problems, making decisions, regulating emotions and other fascinating mental abilities. Any of these brain functions can be damaged at the least expected moment, generating cognitive and behavioral problems in the patient who suffers from acquired brain damage. This article proposes a theoretical review of various etiological factors of brain damage: (a) the most frequent of them, traumatic brain injury (TBI), a condition that causes a range of cognitive and behavioral deficiencies, in addition to being the main cause of prolonged dysfunction in industrialized countries; (b) brain tumors are also an important etiological factor, since any area of ​​the Central Nervous System (CNS) can be affected and the effects are very varied according to the location of the tumor, its level of severity, its nature and whether or not surgery was performed; (c) thirdly, epilepsy is presented as a neurological disease present in 50 million people around the world and whose consequences on the CNS are related to seizures and anti-seizure drugs; finally, (d) the neurobiology of child abuse is exposed, which can generate alterations in the brain configuration of a minor. In each of these factors, its definition, classification, associated risk factors and, finally, what is its effect on the brain and the nature of the damage will be presented.

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Trombosis Venosa Cerebral: Consideraciones Actuales. Brain Venous Thrombosis: Current Considerations

Introduction: Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is an uncommon cause of cerebrovascular disease that mainly affects children and young adults, mostly in fertile-age-women.

Objectives: A contemporary review of the epidemiological, anatomical, pathophysiological, diagnostic and treatment characteristics of CVT.

Materials and methods: A bibliographic research was performed in the PubMed / MEDLINE database and including studies published in the period 2015-2020.

Development: The estimated-annual-incidence has been increasing in last years. Its diagnosis is established by clinical studies and neuroimaging, and laboratory studies. Although, the diagnosis is generally late due to a highly variable and nonspecific clinical presentation. Treatment target is preventing potential mortal complications, followed by anticoagulant therapy. In some cases, surgical thrombolytic procedures are indicated.

Conclusions: The diagnosis is based on a combination of MRI or CT studies. The current gold-standard treatment is low molecular weight heparin and warfarin.

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Actualización en Neuropatía Óptica Isquémica No Arterítica. Nonarteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy: An Updated Review

Introduction: Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) is the most common cause of acute optic nerve injury is the second most common optic neuropathy after glaucoma.

Development: Patients are over the age of 50 years with vascular risk factors. This condition typically presents with acute, painless, monocular loss of vision associated with a variable visual field defect and optic disc edema. NAION is produced by inadequate perfusion of the optic nerved head, supposedly because of nocturnal hypotension and small cup/disk ratio. Diagnosis is mainly clinical and prognosis is generally guarded.

Conclusion: There is no treatment for this condition despite numerous medical and surgical attempts. This article reviews the literature and summarizes current data of proposed treatments.

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Modelos de Organización Cerebral: un recorrido neuropsicológico. Brain Organization Models: a neuropsychological journey

There has always been an interest in understanding how the human brain functions in relation to behavior and cognition. An approach that seeks to solve this intrigue lies in the proposal of models of brain organization that try to explain how the work of the brain mass is. In this sense, this article proposes a theoretical review of the main models. Jackson proposes a theory where three levels of brain structure are considered: lower or medullary level, middle level, and higher level. McLean postulates the existence of three brains: reptile, paloemamiferous / limbic and neocortex. The Wernicke-Geswind model manifests the interaction of language structures in favor of brain function. Luria’s model of brain organization highlights the interactive role of three functional units: first, in charge of regulating tone and wakefulness; second, it receives, processes and stores the information; and the third, plans, monitors and verifies mental and behavioral activity. This review highlights the high complexity involved in the work of the human brain. This article closes highlighting the need to carry out research that can generate empirical evidence in favor of understanding the efficacy of each of the models described in this work.

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