Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Neurología, de la Liga Ecuatoriana Contra la Epilepsia y de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Enfermedad Cerebrovascular



Depression in adult day care centers in Ecuador: Prevalence and associated variables. Depresión en adultos que asisten a los centros de día en Ecuador: Prevalencia y variables asociadas.

Objectives: The present study aims to identify the prevalence and factors associated with depression in older adults attending day care centers in Quito, Ecuador.

Methods: This study is a correlational study with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The study was applied in the 8 “Centros de Experiencia del Adulto Mayor” in the city of Quito, Ecuador. A total of 463 older adults with a mean age of 70.15 years were evaluated. All participants were administered a sociodemographic and health questionnaire, cognitive functioning, levels of depression, autonomy, and physical activity were measured.

Results: Using linear regressions, direct relationships were identified between depression scores with marital status (B=0.276, p=0.04) and renal impairment (B=1.257, p=0.007); and inverse relationships with educational level (B=-0. 537, p=0.002), sleep hours (B=-0.342, p<0.001), fish consumption (B=-0.318, p=0.021), physical activity (B=-0.454, p=0.002) and cognitive impairment (B=-0.091, p<0.001).

Conclusions: The results reflect the importance of considering a holistic approach in addressing depression in the older adult, including health, functional status and cognitive status together to prevent and or address depression in older adults. This study contributes to the implementation of public health policies related to the variables associated with depression in adults.

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Epilepsia, hiperia y mística en Hildegarda de Bingen. Epilepsy, hyperia and mysticism in Hildegard of Bingen.

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Relación entre la depresión y la demencia. Relationship between depression and dementia

The high association of depression and dementia in the elderly has motivated to investigate the type of relationship that exists between them. The objective of this narrative review was to describe the relationship between depression and dementia, for which the Medline, Science Direct, Dialnet, Redalyc databases were reviewed between 2000 and 2021, with the verbal descriptors “dementia” AND “depression” AND “relationship” AND “older adult” OUT “caregiver depression” to locate the candidate documents and then select the final sample made up of 60 published articles, which were reviewed by three judges for selection. Seven explanations of the relationship between dementia and depression were identified in which depression is considered a risk factor for dementia, a prodrome, a consequence, among others. Likewise, there was evidence that, although all the hypotheses have scientific support, there are also indications of their refutability. The types of relationship with the greatest scientific support were “depression as a risk factor” and “as a prodrome of dementia”, although the limitations in the studies prevent clarifying the relationship between these entities. Longitudinal studies that review the history of depression are suggested as a useful methodology to determine the relationship between them.

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Prevalence Of Major Depressive Disorder In Portoviejo, Ecuador. Prevalencia del Trastorno Depresivo Mayor en Portoviejo, Ecuador.

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a debilitating neuropsychiatric disorder that affects more than 300 million people, causing enormous socioeconomic burden. Little data has been known about prevalence of MDD in Ecuador. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of MDD in the population in a highly populated city in Ecuadorian Coast. This population-based study was accomplished in Portoviejo, Manabí. Here, we analyzed 114.239 records about MDD using Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnosis of DSM-IV Disorders in younger, adults, and older peoples. We observed that the MDD score of 8.6% of the studied population. There was a suitable agreement between mild MDD and residence location scores (urban or rural zone). Both models had a good standard of fit (R2 = 0.91 and 0.95) and a mean p-value of 0.04 for both locations. A significant positive correlation between marital status and MDD scores, particularly for single (p = 0.001361, r = 0.94), and education levels (p = 0.00102, r = 0.95) was also demonstrated. Moreover, both age (p = 0.001067, r = -0.94) and widowed (p = 0.009662, r = -0.87) were negatively correlated with MDD scores. Collectively, our results revealed a high prevalence of MDD in the Portoviejo population, an effect more prominent in man, living alone, young and resident of the urban zone.

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Tipificación del Trastorno Afectivo en Pacientes con Epilepsia del Lóbulo Temporal.


Introduction: Affective disorders in people with epilepsy seem to be different from patients with primary mood disorders.

Objective: to determine the clinical characteristics that typifies depression in patients with temporal Lobe Epilepsy.

Patients and methods: Forty patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and depression were enrolled in the study. Thirty one patients with primary depressive disorder were recruited as control group. Depression was clinically evaluated in both groups. The discriminate analysis was used to determine the main clinical features of depression in patients with epilepsy. The differentiation between groups in total scores of Mood disorders through the International Psychiatry Interview was used to determine the atypical sign of depressive symptoms in patients with epilepsy. Logistic regression was utilized to analyze the possible relationship between neurobiological functioning and depressive symptoms in patients with epilepsy. Results: Sixty two percent of patients had a mood disorder not classified in CIE-10 and DSM-IV. Perictal anhedonia associated with insomnia, guilty thoughts, psychomotor slowness, inattention, restlessness, irritability, faintness  became the clinical profiles of depression in patients with epilepsy. Age of onset of epilepsy, family history of psychiatric disorders, number of seizures per month, left temporal Lobe Epilepsy, and bilateral hippocampal atrophy were the most important determinants of mood disorders in our study.

Conclusion: Brief perictal depressive symptoms associated with dysphoria, anxiety and phobias, typify the clinical profile of depressive syndrome in patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.

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Predictores de Ansiedad y Depresión en Cuidadores Primarios de Pacientes Neurológicos.

Objective: To describe predictors of depression and anxiety in caregivers of neurological patients.

Methods: To a sample of 145 caregivers, from the outpatient clinic of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, sociodemographic variables were collected and the following questionnaires were applied: Ways of Coping with Stress of Lazarus and Folkman, Zarit Burden Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Additionally, Activities of Daily Living were assessed in patients.

Results: 97% of caregivers were provided by the informal system, usually a woman (82%) with an average age of 47.7 ± 15.1, house-wife (60%) and close relative of the sick person (78% . They suffer from a current illness (48%) and 62% presented the condition after caregiving. The regression model for anxiety included: negative impact, cognitive distancing, patient age and caregiver education. The depression model included: negative impact, caregiver education and cognitive distancing. Both explained 37% of variance.

Conclusions: Anxiety and depression depend on the skills and resources of the caregiver, the burden and impact of the disease. These correlate with physical, mental and socioeconomic issues that affect social relationships, intimacy and freedom of the caregiver.

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The Impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Neuropsychology, Depression and Anxiety. A Case-Control Study, with 90 Portuguese Female Subjects.

Objectives: The study of the impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis in cognitive functions has not been well documented in Portugal. So, with this original article we tried to clarify this reality in this particular country.

Methods: We assessed the results of 45 Rheumatoid Arthritis female patients (intervention group), comparing each patient in a case control paired strategy (years in school and age), with control subjects (n = 45, in a total of 90 subjects). All subjects were evaluated with Paced Auditory Selective Attention Test, Word List Generation Test, Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, a Portuguese depression screening test (IACLIDE), STAI (anxiety trace and trait test) and the Mini Mental state examination.

Results: The results show, for the first time in Portuguese patients, the presence of major deficits in terms of cognitive function and symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Conclusion: This article strengthens the argument of the necessity to pay attention in psycho-educational, psychotherapeutic and cognitive stimulation as well as neuropsychological intervention in these types of patients.

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El Estrés Crónico, ¿Factor de Riesgo para la Enfermedad de Alzheimer?

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, with epidemiological importance due to the high prevalence of people affected worldwide. Over time, various hypotheses have been raised in the pathophysiology and etiology of the disease and now the study of this disorder, is tackled from a multi-causal perspective, taking into account different etiological factors, among which are: genetics, oxidative stress, intracellular calcium dynamics, vascular effects, inflammation and stress, among others. The following literature review, aims to show studies that correlate stress as a risk factor in AD, recognizing the pathophysiological findings of AD, due to augmentation on glucocorticoids by chronic stress and the subsequent alteration of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Critical view of these findings according to the literature.

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Relación Entre Patrones de Sueño y Ansiedad / Depresión

In recent years contradictory data as to relationship between the sleep patterns and psychological variables have appeared. This study analyses the relationships of depression and state-trait anxiety levels in subjects with different sleep patterns. From 583 subject sample, 25 long sleep pattern , 25 medium sleep and 25 short sleep pattern were selected. The results show that no relationships between psychological variables and sleep patterns.

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