Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Neurología, de la Liga Ecuatoriana Contra la Epilepsia y de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Enfermedad Cerebrovascular



Intervenciones Cognitivas, Emocionales y Educativas Para Niños en Primera Infancia. Revisión Sistemática. Cognitive, Emotional And Educational Interventions For Children In Early Childhood. Systematic Review.

Introduction. It is essential to implement intervention processes during early childhood for the recognition and management of emotions. This stage of development is the foundation for learning and for acquisition of cognitive, behavioral, and social skills.

Objective. Evaluate the quality of the interventions from the cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects in early childhood, which allow guiding educational programs for the development an d strengthening of emotional intelligence.

Method. A search was performed in digital databases: Scopus, ScienceDirect, APA PsycNET, ProQuest, Web of Science, and Pubmed between January 2013 and August 2022.

Results. 165 articles were identified in the aforementioned databases, resulting in 26 articles after using the different selection filters and inclusion criteria. Interventions focused on the family (14 interventions), the school (7 interventions) and the children (4 interventions) were identified.

Discussion. The interest in the development of intervention programs for children in early childhood with quality standards at the research level (clinical trials, large samples, bias control) and with positive results that reveal the importance of carrying out adequate accompaniment in said stage is highlighted development.

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Music therapy intervention for memory, attention, and language in children with dyslalia. Intervención musicoterapéutica para mejorar la memoria, atención y lenguaje in niños con dislalia

Dyslalia is a language disorder that is present in a wide percentage of children. This work proposes an intervention protocol in music therapy to improve attention, memory, and language for children with the dyslalia disorder. A confirmatory mixed-method design composed of two studies was conducted: the first included a quantitative and pre-experimental design with a sample of 20 children aged between 5 and 8 years (Mage=6.45, SD=1.23) diagnosed with dyslalia. The second study used a qualitative confirmatory methodology, where participants’ parents and therapists participated. Wepman’s and the initial Luria pre- and post-tests measurements were applied. The results of the pre-experiment found statistically significant improvements in verbal regulation t(19)=-5.03, p=<.001, d=.76, attention t(19)=-5.05, p=<.001, d=.76, and memory t(19)=-2.88, p=.009, d=.55. In the qualitative phase, narratives were found that affirmed the positive results of the pre-experiment. Moreover, data surrounding the benefits of the music therapy intervention protocol in the improvement of cognitive processes and the relationship with previous literature that found positive results with this type of intervention are discussed.

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Meningioma Anaplásico del Surco Olfatorio: Reconstrucción Craneofacial Secundaria a Resección Radical de Tumor.

Surgical management of olfactory sulcus meningioma with extension to orbit and perinasal cavities is very complex. It requires a careful and multidisciplinary intervention for complete resection and to avoid potential harmful complications. We report a clinical case of an olfactory sulcus anaplastic meningioma and describe the surgical techniques applied.



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