Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Neurología, de la Liga Ecuatoriana Contra la Epilepsia y de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Enfermedad Cerebrovascular

Reportes de Casos Clínicos


Síndrome de Wolf-Hirschhorn. A propósito de un caso con un cromosoma 4 con satélites.

Introduction: Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome (WHS) constitutes an illness of great neuropediatric interest. The correlation cariotype-phenotype in WHS is debated and two phenotypes one “classic” and other “half,” and two genes candidates WHSC 1 and WHSC 2 are reported.

Case report: in the present article we report the clinical and cytogenetics findings in a 13 year-old patient, with “sui generis” cariotype 46, XY, 4ps in high resolution chromosomal study with G bands and Nor techniques. The different clinical findings, cytogenetics studies and the correlation genotype-phenotype were reviewed and discussed according to the current knowledge.

Conclusions: The discovery of the chromosome 4 with satellites in patient with clinical manifestations of the syndrome, it constitutes an evidence that the SWH is the true syndrome for contiguous genes. The human genome and molecular markers studies in this case, give us light in the physiological and pathological roles of those genes WHSC 1 and WHSC 2, reported in the literature.

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Enfermedad de Creutzfeldt Jakob Esporádico: Presentación del Primer Caso Clínico – Patológico en Ecuador.

Introduction: Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) has not yet been described in Ecuador.

Methods: We present a 53-year-old patient who came to the Neurology Department of the Eugenio Espejo Hospital because of clinical symptoms and EEG and MRI tests that met the criteria for a diagnosis of CJD, which was later confirmed by neuropathological findings.

Results: That patient was admitted to the hospital because of visual impairments and ataxia. During his stay in the hospital, in addition to blindness, myoclonus and bilateral cortico-spinal signs, the patient’s cognitive functions declined rapidly and progressively. The clinical symptoms, the EEG and MRI were highly suggestive of CJD. The neuropathological findings confirmed this diagnosis.

Conclusion: We report the first case in Ecuador, with neuropathological confirmation, of a patient diagnosed with the Heidenhain variant of sCJD.

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Quiste Aracnoideo de Presentación Ictal.

Arachnoid cysts are benign cystic cavities surrounded by membranes that are indistinguishable from the arachnoid membrane. They contain cerebrospinal fluid in contact with the subarachnoid space. They are frequently asymptomatic and incidentally diagnosed in the adult. Their clinical onset is variable and depends on their size and possible triggering factors. We report a case in which a big arachnoid cyst presented in an unusual way, not finding a background or any triggering factors that might justify this clinical presentation. It is necessary to perform a differential diagnosis from other common affections of sudden onset. Surgical treatment by cystoperitoneal shunting resulted in a complete resolution of symptoms.

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Meningioma Anaplásico del Surco Olfatorio: Reconstrucción Craneofacial Secundaria a Resección Radical de Tumor.

Surgical management of olfactory sulcus meningioma with extension to orbit and perinasal cavities is very complex. It requires a careful and multidisciplinary intervention for complete resection and to avoid potential harmful complications. We report a clinical case of an olfactory sulcus anaplastic meningioma and describe the surgical techniques applied.



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Síndrome de Dejérine – Roussy en un Paciente con Prolapso Valvular Mitral de Reciente Diagnóstico.

Introduction. Dejérine and Roussy described a painful state (spontaneous, persistent and sometimes sharping) as a result of thalamic nuclei vascular lesion (ventro-posterolateral and ventro-posteromedial); other features of this syndrome are hemicoreoatetosis, hemiataxia, homonymous hemianopia and sensitive disorders. We report a clinical case of a male who was diagnosed with this syndrome.

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Meningoencefalitis Eosinofílica: A propósito de un Caso.

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Déficit de Vitamina B12 y Degeneración Combinada Subaguda de la Médula Espinal: Presentación de un caso y Revisión de la Literatura.

Myelopathy caused by vitamin B12 deficiency is an uncommon entity, because a long period of time must pass in order to appear its signs and symptoms and for the structural lesion to be irreversible. We present a case of a patient with signs and symptoms suggestive of Subacute Combined Degeneration of the Spinal Cord secondary to autoimmune gastritis with a persistent lesion in the posterior columns of the spinal cord as sequelae. The literature about the topic is reviewed.

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Improving writer’s cramp dystonia after prolonged muscle stimulation. Report of two cases.

Focal primary dystonia has been recognized as a motor disorder; nevertheless, some studies suggest that sensory dysfunction might be involved. We report two patients who improved their writer’s cramp dystonia after deep muscle stimulation using acupuncture needles. We support the hypothesis that deep and prolonged stimulation of muscles related to dystonia can modify the cortical sensory-motor response and improve writer’s cramp.

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Síndrome de POEMS, reporte de un caso con doble patrón monoclonal.

POEMS síndrome is an uncommon multisystemic paraneoplastic disorder characterized by the presence of a predominantly motor polyneuropathy associated with other manifestations like organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy and skin changes. We report a case of a 36 years old female with diagnostic criteria for this disorder, and a particular double monoclonal pattern IgG and IgA type., demonstrated by immunofixation.

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Metástasis orbitaria e intracraneal: primera manifestación clínica de cáncer de tiroides.

Metastatic follicular thyroid carcinoma is very rare. We report a case of a 42 years old patiente with a retro-orbital and intracranial metastases, as first clinical manifestation of thyroid cancer.

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Ciclopía Con Sinoftalmía En Un Feto De 27 Semanas.

Cyclopia is a rare congenital malformation that is non-compatible with life, it is characterized by the presence of a single eye in a central position secondary to alobar holoporsencephaly. The cyclopia is of heterogeneous etiology and has a prevalence of 1,05 per 100.000 births. We report a case of cyclopia with synophthalmia in a fetus at 27 weeks.

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Pseudotumor Inflamatorio del Seno Frontal asociado a Crisis Comiciales.

Inflammatory pseudotumor of the paranasal sinuses is a rare, chronic, benign entity that results in symptoms according to the location of the lesion. Sometimes it can be locally invasive, so it must be distinguished from malignant processes. We report a case of a patient who presented with headache and seizures in whom an inflammatory pseudotumor was diagnosed histologically. To our knowledge there are not documented cases of frontal sinus involvement and associated seizures due to intracranial invasion. The differential diagnosis with other entities is difficult despite imaging studies so the biopsy and pathology are key determinants.

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Schwannoma Intraparenquimatoso Cerebral: Un hallazgo infrecuente, a propósito de un caso clínico.

Schwannomas are benign tumors, representing 8% of all intracranial tumors. Those located in acoustic, trigeminal and facial nerve, represent 90 and 95% approximately. Occasionally they localize in brain parenchyma. At present time, there are only 64 reported cases.

Case report: A 31 years old patient without previous history, consults with frontal headache and abnormal movements, initially diagnosed as seizures. In neuroimaging a left frontal intraparenchymal tumor is described.

Conclusions: Schwannomas are benign tumors unusually localized in brain parenchyma. Treatment consists in total or partial surgical resection, with histological confirmation, and radiotherapy treatment.

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Intoxicación por Monóxido de Carbono, Presentación de un Caso.

A 35-year-old patient experienced 2 months, low levels of carbon monoxide exposure, produced by the motor of his vehicle. He experienced drowsiness in the morning. Because of drowsiness he had an automotomobile accident with traumatic brain injury. The only symptom at the time of neurological examination was anterograde amnesia. The magnetic resonance (MRI) of the brain revealed bilateral necrosis of the globus pallidus. We present this case for prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning and as an example of the utility of MRI and neuropsychological examinations in detecting central nervous system dysfunction secondary to CO exposure.

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Encefalomielitis Aguda Diseminada: Formas de Presentación y Espectro Clínico. Serie de Casos.

Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. Although it often follows an infection or immunization, there are some cases without previous history. It develops usually as a monophasic disease, however recurrent and multiphasic cases have been reported. Its diagnosis is suggested based on clinical features, magnetic resonance imaging and negative complementary test results. We report 5 cases of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis illustrating its wide clinical and prognostic variety. Both mild and significant cases are reported. A previous history of infection was present only in one case. No patient developed symptoms suggesting multiple sclerosis during an 18 to 48 months follow-up. Conclusions: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is an uncommon condition that presents with a variety of symptoms. The major differential diagnosis is MS; however other demyelinating and infectious processes must be included. Treatment options include intravenous corticoids, immunoglobulins or plasmapheresis. The patient’s response to treatment is proportional to the prognosis.

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Síndrome de Moyamoya en un niño con Drepanocitosis.

Sickle cell disease is one of the main causes of ischemic stroke in the childhood, generally related with stenosis of the arteries of the anterior carotid circulation. We present the results of the studies carried out in a patient with sickle cell with no history of stroke, in treatment with hidroxyurea. Transcraneal Doppler and Magnetic Resonance Imaging demonstrated the existence of stenosis in medial cerebral arteries and a Moyamoya pattern in the cerebral circulation with hemodynamic ischemic lesions.


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Sindrome parkinsoniano “rígido-acinético” debido a mielinosis extrapontina y mielinosis pontina asintomática secundarios a corrección rápida de hiponatremia.

The osmotic demyelinating syndromes are not always restricted to the pons. The extrapontine myelinolysis is seen in 10% of patients with central pontine myelinolysis. We present a 62-year-old woman who developed hyponatremia due to repeated vomiting. An acute akinetic-rigid syndrome followed rapid correction of hyponatremia. Bilateral putaminal and caudate lesions were seen on MRI. There were no clinical features of pontine involvement even though a typical lesion was seen on MRI. She recovered well with only symptomatic treatment. Although the exact pathogenesis is unknown, the most widely accepted hypothesis is that cellular edema secondary to the fluctuating osmotic forces, with rapid correction of hyponatremia, results in fibre-tract compression and demyelination. In contrast to the generally expected poor outcome in this condition, patients do have good recovery with symptomatic treatment and good nursing care.

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Demencia y Parkinsonismo como Síntomas Iniciales en un Paciente con SIDA.

Dementia and Parkinsonism as early symptoms of AIDS are infrequent. We report the case of a male patient 62 years old, with a history of diabetes – insulin dependent and illicit drug use, who began his symptomatology with dementia and parkinsonism two months before his death.

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Enfermedad de Osler-Weber-Rendu y Neuroinfección: A Propósito de un Caso.

A 68 years old man with a previous diagnostic of Hemorragic Hereditary Telangiectasia (HHT) or Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome has been transferred to the emergency room of Metropolitano´s Hospital of Quito because of altered mental status, fever and nuchal rigidity. Complementary studies reported images of ventriculitis and left temporal abscess.

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Epilepsia Parcial Benigna Atípica de la Infancia: Presentación de un Caso Peculiar y Revisión de la Bibliografía.

Introduction: Atypical benign partial epilepsy of childhood is a rare form of epilepsy characterized by a combination of partial seizures, as observed in Partial Benign Epilepsy of Childhood, as well as with centre-temporal paroxysms and generalized seizures; showing furthermore, a continuos peak wake electroencephalographic pattern characteristic of NREM sleep.

Clinical Case: Patient presenting with partial seizures is admitted to the hospital with EEG findings compatible with continuos peak wave electric status of NREM sleep.

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Enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob. Presentación de un Caso Clínico y Revisión de la Literatura.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is the prototypic rapidly progressive dementia. Esporadic CJD is the most common presentation. We report a 65 year-old patient with primary visual complaints, afterward psychosis with memory and higher cerebral functions complaints. After 4 months of evolution, the patient showed akinetic mutism and myoclonus. In the MRI, anormal hyperintensity was seen on T2 sequences in the subcortical and cortical regions of the occipital lobes. EEG revealed periodic generalized triphasic waves. We present this patient with the Heindenhain variant of sporadic CJD, in order to consider it when were are faced with a patient with rapidly progressive dementia (RPD). We emphasize the importance of early diagnosis for prognostic value and for minimize the risk of accidental iatrogenic transmission.

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Partial Thenar Atrophy as a Physical Manifestation of Martin Gruber Anastomosis.

Martin Gruber anastomosis is a frequent finding on electrodiagnostic examination and has three common variants. Much has been written about these variants such as the anatomic course of crossover fibers and the electrodiagnostic findings. However, little has been written on associated physical findings that might suggest such a diagnosis. In this report the physical examination findings clearly supported a diagnosis of a Type III Martin Gruber anastomosis that was initially established through electrodiagnostic testing. Awareness of this pattern on physical examination could provide an early clue to the possible presence of anomalous innervation.

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Meningitis Crónica por Angiostrongylus Cantonensis.

Two patients with chronic meningitis due to the helmint Angiostrongylus cantonensis are reported. Two years after the primary infection from a previous outbreak, both patients had pain in lumbosacral region, leg weakness, headache and sleep disturbances among other symptoms. Intrathecal synthesis of IgA, IgM and IgG was found. Nuclear magnetic resonance showed temporal atrophy in one patient and in the other one a T2 hyperdense lesion zone in right parietal region at white zone level. It is the first report of chronic disease because of this parasite in the Americas.

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Encefalomielitis Aguda Diseminada: Reporte de un Caso con Afectación Selectiva de Tallo Cerebral.

Introduction: Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is an autoimmune demyelinating disease of the central nervous system´s white matter; it usually has a monophasic course with an idiopathic cause or following infection or immunization processes.

Objective: This article has the purpose to present a clinical case with selective involvement of brainstem. We describe a 28 year old woman who developed ADEM. Her clinical presentation, neuroradiological findings and treatment are reported.

Conclusions: ADEM is an infrequent disease which can be fatal. MRI findings confirm the diagnosis and steroid therapy appears to be the most effective treatment, although the disease may spontaneously improve.


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Apoplexy of Rathke Cleft Cyst: A Case Report and Literature Review.

Symptomatic Rathke cleft cysts (RCCs) are rare sellar and suprasellar lesions, and apoplexy is one of the most unusual presentations. Only a few cases of hemorrhagic apoplexy of RCCs have been reported and their pathogenesis is still poorly understood. In order to present a diagnostic thread to reduce misdiagnosis rate preoperatively, we reported one case of RCC apoplexy and reviewed the associated published literature. we also summarized the clinicopathological relationship on clinical symptoms, imaging features and intraoperative visualization of intracystic content.

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Hemangioblastoma Sólido de Cerebelo. Presentación de un Caso y Revisión de la Literatura.

Hemangioblastoma is an uncommon benign and highly vascular tumor that is usually observed in the brain, spinal cord and retina. It may be solid or cystic and approximately 25 to 40% of them are associated with von Hippel-Lindau syndrome. Clinical manifestations of hemangioblastoma are nonspecific and they depend on the location and growth pattern of the tumor. Despite its great vascularity, they rarely manifest themselves with hemorrhage and when they do, intraparenchymal bleeding, intramedullary hemorrhage or subarachnoid hemorrhage may be observed. The definitive diagnosis of HB is the pathologic exam. The treatment of choice for hemangioblastoma is microneurosurgery in order to make a complete resection. Preoperative endovascular embolization of feeding vessels may be useful in selected cases as the main risk of this surgery is intraoperative bleeding. We present a case of a 25 years old female diagnosed with right cerebellar hemisphere hemangioblastoma and hydrocephalus, therefore treated through various surgical stages: placing of a medium pressure valve, suboccipital craniectomy, supraselective embolization of feeder vessels and finally extirpation of the tumor mass.

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Enfermedad de Lyme. Primer caso Reportado en Ecuador.

Lyme disease is a multisystem infectious disease caused by the tick-borne spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. CNS involvement occurs frequently. Meningitis, multiple cranial nerve palsies, neurophaties, radiculophaties, and encefalophaties are particularly common. The diagnosis should be done carefully; epidemiology, clinical features, and laboratory findings are the basis in the management of disease. In this paper we present a 12 year old Ecuadorian boy who fulfills diagnosis parameters for Lyme disease according to the American Academy of Neurology. This is the first reported case of this disease in Ecuador. It is necessary to carry out epidemiological studies to confirm the occurrence of this condition, and the look for the presence of the transmitting vector and its causal agent in our country.

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Síndrome de Kabuki

Kabuki’s mask syndrome is a rare developmental disease. Most cases are sporadic. Diagnosis is based on five criteria, including slight mental delay slight, skeletal abnormalities, dermatological alterations, slow stature, and typical fascies. We describe the first diagnostic case of Kabuki’s syndrome in our country.

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Síndrome de POEMS: Múltiples manifestaciones clínicas durante su larga evolución.

Being a multisystemic disorder, POEMS syndrome has different clinical features.and comprises multiple organs. The referred acronym: polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal protein M and skin changes, results insufficient when this syndrome is described, because of the constellation of multiple signs and symptoms. Neurologically a chronic demyelinating peripheral neuropathy is the common clinical presentation, which is associated with an osteosclerotic myeloma in 50% of cases. Involvement of central nervous system includes papilledema and intracraneal hypertension, less frequently. We report a patient with POEMS syndrome with 11 years follow-up, who has recently developed intracraneal hypertension features. We discuss clinical findings and review literature.

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Aneurisma Gigante de la Bifurcación de la Arteria Cerebral Media: Reconstrucción con Clipaje y Microsutura

The key for the treatment of giant intracranial aneurysms is its exclusion from the circulation and restoration of the normal anatomy. This report describes the technique of the middle cerebral artery bifurcation reconstruction using microsuture aneurysmorraphy and clipping.

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