Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Neurología, de la Liga Ecuatoriana Contra la Epilepsia y de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Enfermedad Cerebrovascular



Coeficiente de Difusión Aparente en Tejido Encefálico: Valores de Normalidad en Población Colombiana Clínicamente Sana. Apparent Diffusion Coefficient In Brain Tissue: Values Of Normality In Clinically Healthy Colombian Population

Introduction: The diffusion sequences in magnetic resonance, including the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), represent a fundamental tool for the radiologist in the clinical diagnosis. However, there is no standardization for measurements between normal limits or a range of normal ADC values. Objective: To determine normal ADC values ​​in the brain tissue for the clinical and radiologically healthy population. Methods: Cross-sectional study on retrospective data, ADC values ​​were measured for 21 encephalic regions (frontal gray, parietal and temporal substance, frontal and parietal white matter, caudate nucleus, putamen, thalamus, internal capsule, cerebellar hemispheres bilaterally and bridge of the brainstem) in 90 clinically and radiologically healthy subjects, in two private clinics in Bogotá. Results: Normal ADC values, in a clinical and radiologically healthy population, in 21 encephalic territories, comparative analysis of the results according to the sex and age of the patients, and correlation between the measurements made by two researchers. Conclusions: The findings serve as a reference for the Colombian and normal Latin American population, establish a point of comparison for the evaluation of intracranial pathologies, and open the possibility to develop new research projects that seek to determine ADC values ​​in sick population.

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Psychometric Properties Of ADHD Rating Scale In School Context. Propiedades Psicométricas de la Escala ADHD en el Contexto Escolar

Background: The ADHD Rating Scale IV (ADHD RS IV) is one of the most commonly used scales in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) assessment. Its psychometric properties have been studied in contexts including Europe and North America, however, in Latin America, there is shortage of empirical evidence about validity or reliability reported by teachers on a scholar context. The aim of the research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the ADHD RS IV based on the behavior of students reported by teachers. Material/methods: Three hundred and forty-five students voluntarily participated in this study (162 men and 183 women), aged between 5 and 15 years (Mage = 10.43, SD = 3.61). As instruments of measurement ADHD RS IV, Perception of Differences Test and Go / No-Go experiment were used. Cronbach’s alpha, Pearson correlation and confirmatory factor analysis were applied and analyzed. Results: In the results it was found that internal consistency coefficient of RS IV ADHD is between .93 and .97. There is a significant statistically correlation between the scale and the number of successes points in the Perception of Differences Test (r = -.55, p = < .001) and mistakes to stimuli no-go (r = .34, p = .002). The classic ADHD model of two factors had good indicators of goodness of fit x2(101) = 321.40, p < .001; CFI = .96; RMSEA = .08 (.07 to .09) and SRMR = .04. Conclusions: The article is finalized highlighting the ADHD RS IV has adequate psychometric properties in order to be applied in the school context.

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Inhibitory Control And Symptomatology Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder El Control Inhibitorio y la Sintomatología Del Trastorno Por Déficit de Atención Con Hiperactividad

Background. Inhibitory control has been described as a factor causing difficulties in the regulation present in the ADHD. Objective. The aim was to analyze the relationship between inhibitory control and symptoms of ADHD in a sample of 81 subjects diagnosed with ADHD (Mage=10.05, SD=2.53). Methods. A quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational scope research was carried out. The instruments used were the ADHD RS IV and SIMON experiment. Correlation inferential statistical regression and regression processes were applied. Results. Three regression models were tested, where inhibitory control presents a significant prediction with the (a) attention deficit F(1,79)=20.69, p=<.001, R2=.21, (b) hyperactivity and impulsivity F(1,79)=5.90, p=.01, R2=.07 and (c) the combination of both (a+b) F(1,79)=13.25, p=< .01, R2=.14. Conclusions. The findings suggest that inhibitory control is one of the main executive functions that determines the degree of affectation of the symptomatology of the child population with ADHD.

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Índice Ventricular De Levene y Mensuración del Tercer Ventrículo en Neonatos Ecuatorianos Mediante Ecografía Cerebral. Levene Ventricular Index And Measurement Of The Third Ventricle In Ecuadorian Neonates By Means Of Cerebral Ultrasound.

Introduction: The application of ultrasound in the brain evaluation of the neonate allows the measurement of brain structures. Objective: To obtain the sizes of the third ventricle and the ventricular index of Levene in a group of Ecuadorian neonates without neurological alterations. To establish normal ranges that can be used in the daily work of the neonatology service. Methods: A group of neonates without neurological alterations was studied. Through the anterior fontanelle, the Levene index was determined. The third ventricle’s diameter was seized through the temporal cranial window. Results: Sixty-six patients of 37 weeks’ gestational age at birth (range 27-42 weeks), predominantly male and an average weight at birth of 2554 grams, were included. The third ventricle’s mean diameter was 1.5 mm (range: 0.5 mm – 3.8 mm). The average Lindergaard index was 12.7 mm (8.2-27 mm). Both, the diameter of the third ventricle and the ventricular index were affected by the birth weight of newborns. Regarding the moment of delivery, there was no significant difference in ventricular size. Conclusions: Compared with the results of other series, our study offers different parameters.

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Percepción de Los Padres de Niños Con Déficit Ejecutivos Que Presentan Dificultades en el Aprendizaje de Matemáticas. Parental Perception In Children With Executive Deficits Who Have Learning Difficulties In Mathemathics

The main objective of this research is to describe the executive deficits of children with learning difficulties in ​​mathematics and their relationship with parental perceptions. A sample of 30 children with difficulties in ​​mathematics at ages between 9 and 12 years was studied, they underwent Tower of London test, and to the parents the Children’s Inventory of Executive Functions (CHEXI) was studied. According to the applied tests, the results showed difficulties in working memory, planning, regulation and inhibition. The results showed no correlation between the executive deficits evidenced in children and the perception of parents. However, there is a positive relationship between the perception of parents in the area of ​​working memory and poor academic performance. The results are discussed by the complexity of the evaluated construct and the multiple variables involved at the time of its clinical assessment.

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Perspectivas en el Abordaje Farmacológico de la Epilepsia: Una Revisión Extensa de la Farmacoterapia Perspectives On The Pharmacologic Management Of Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Review

Background. Epilepsy represents the third most common reported neurologic disorder, surpassed only by cerebrovascular accidents and Alzheimer’s disease. Iyt is believed that around 70% to 80% of all convulsive disorders can be successfully controlled with monotherapy alone and an additional 10% to 15% with combination therapy. Around 10% of cases never achieve remission through pharmacological therapy alone. Objectives. Through this comprehensive review of the literature describing the current available pharmacologic therapies for the management of epilepsy and their recognized indications, the authors intend to provide an educational tool that could assist the general practitioner to make decisions when selecting a suitable treatment strategy according to a specific clinical scenario (and as guided by their own professional judgment, circumstances and clinical reality). Methods. We used a wide variety of medical search engines, articles and abstracts for the purpose of data collection and interpretation. Conclusions. Through this review the authors managed to present all current and innovative approaches regarding the pharmacologic management of epilepsy encompassing the scope of current knowledge.

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Primera Crisis Epiléptica en Adultos: ¿Epilepsia o no? First Seizure In Adults: Epilepsy Or Not?

First epileptic seizure is a fact that impacts the life of who suffers and its environment as a relationship with the possibility of a manifestation of epilepsy. It is one of the main causes of consultation in the emergency service, so neurologists and general doctors must have a basic and global knowledge of this. However, there are factors (provoked or unprovoked seizures, risk of recurrence) that it will allow to diagnose of epilepsy with the aim of establishing a timely pharmacological treatment that reduces the possibilities of a new crisis also to resolve the doubts that patients have regarding this disease.

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Fundamentos Neurobiológicos del Sueño. Neurobiological Basis Of Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important behaviors for the cognition of the human being. It has between 4 to 6 cycles that are characterized by presenting different electromagnetic activity that causes a certain brain activity to occur in each of them. When the sleep pattern is affected, there are alterations in the daily life of the subject who suffers it, generating a negative impact on the activities carried out in the personal, family and social environment. In this article we report a theoretical review of the dream, its electrical activity during each of its phases, sleep disorders and the impact of sleep disorders on the individual’s life. It is concluded by emphasizing the role of maintaining a balance in the sleep pattern as a benefit for the daily life of the subject.

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Encefalopatía Posterior Reversible Asociada a Exacerbación de Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica. Reporte de Caso y Revisión de la Literatura. Reversible Posterior Encephalopathy associated with Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Case Report and Review Of Literature

Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) is a reversible clinical and radiological entity. There are several entities that are associated with PRES. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a rare factor for the development of this condition. We present the case of a 71-years-old woman who was being treated for an acute exacerbation of COPD and developed sensory impairment and seizures. The findings of characteristic images, associated clinical symptoms and their medical history led to a diagnosis of PRES in our patient. Although the association of PRES and COPD is a rare entity, the diagnosis of PRES should be a differential if a patient develops encephalopathy or seizures in the exacerbation of COPD.

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Síndrome de Encefalopatía Posterior Reversible de Etiología Atípica. Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Síndrome of Atypical Etiology

Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome is a clinical-radiological syndrome, characterized by images compatible with vasogenic edema, whose pathophysiology is not fully clarified. There are multiple described causes of this syndrome, mainly severe arterial hypertension, renal insufficiency, sepsis, preeclampsia or eclampsia, immunosuppressive therapy and others. We report a case of a 38-year-old man, renal post-transplant in treatment with mycophenolate and prednisone, with renal failure of the transplant and chronic anemia, hospitalized by urinary focus sepsis plus lymph node tuberculosis, who after receiving 1 concentrate of red blood cells presents seizures, Hb elevation of 3.1 g/dl and images compatible with vasogenic edema and almost complete resolution of them at 16 days.

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Parálisis Facial Secundaria a Arteritis de la Arteria Carótida Interna en Paciente Escolar. Facial Palsy Secondary To Arteritis Of The Internal Carotid Artery In A School Patient

Facial palsy can be secondary to multiple etiologies such as infectious, traumatic, neoplastic, metabolic and neurological; with resolution in most cases. It has an incidence of between 11.5 and 40.2 cases per 100,000 people/year including adult and pediatric patients. We present the case of a 9-year-old patient who consulted for facial paralysis in whom a diagnosis of stenosis of the internal carotid artery was made, with subsequent symptomatic improvement with specific treatment.

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Demencia Rápidamente Progresiva Como Manifestación de Recaída en Linfoma de Células Del Manto: Experiencia en Diagnóstico y Tratamiento. Rapidly Progressive Dementia As A Manifestation Of Relapse In Mantle Cell Lymphoma: Experience In Diagnosis And Treatment

Introduction: Rapidly progressive dementia is an entity that has a multiple and heterogeneous etiology. It is characterized by the alteration of two or more cognitive domains in a period of less than 1 to 2 years. The involvement of the central nervous system attributed to mantle cell lymphoma is rare with a poor prognosis and mainly debuts in the late stages of the disease as a relapse. Case Report: A 61-year-old male with a history of mantle cell lymphoma who presents a relapse of the central nervous system, given by a clinical course compatible with a rapidly progressive dementia and which is confirmed by flow cytometry studies in cerebrospinal fluid. It presents an adequate response to management with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (Ibrutinib), resolving clinical symptoms and imaging findings. Discussion: The involvement of the central nervous system secondary to mantle cell lymphoma is a rare complication and debuts as a relapse with variable clinical manifestations that requires a timely intervention with the aim of improving patient survival. Therapy with a single agent such as Ibrutinib seems to be a good alternative in cases of refractoriness and neurological involvement.

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Schwannoma Con Una Localización Cervical Infrecuente en un Paciente Pediátrico: Reporte De Caso. Schwannoma With A Non-Frequent Location In Pediatric Patient. Case Report

Schwannomas are usually benign, slow-growing tumors, usually found in adults. They are very rare in the pediatric population and their diagnosis requires a high index of clinical suspicion. We present the case of a 9-year-old male patient with a history of an asymptomatic cervical mass, with no other relevant clinical history. Total excision of the mass was possible, and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of schwannoma. The patient recovered completely, with excellent prognosis. It is necessary to keep in mind schwannomas in the differential diagnosis in cases of cervical masses in pediatric patients.

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Encefalitis Límbica Autoinmune Asociada a Anticuerpos LGI1: Presentación de un Caso y Revisión de la Bibliografía. Autoimmune Limbic Encephalitis Associated With LGI1 Antibodies: Case Report And Review Of The Literature

Introduction: Leucine rich glioma inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) antibody encephalitis is a rare disease characterized by subacute memory impairment, behavioral disorders and epileptic seizures. Even most cases have a good outcome, residual cognitive deficits are common. Case report: 76-year-old woman who started with acute onset generalized tonic – clonic seizures and subsequent impaired level of consciousness. Antiepileptic treatment was started with slight clinical improvement. In magnetic resonance imaging performed during admission left hippocampal hyperintensity was seen in T2 and T2-FLAIR sequences. As autoimmune limbic encephalitis was suspected, immunomodulatory treatment with intravenous corticosteroids and immunoglobulins was started with clinical improvement. Afterwards, anti –LGI1 antibodies were positive in cerebrospinal fluid testing. Conclusions: anti – LGI1 antibody related encephalitis can produce different neurological manifestations and diverse onset, even acute. Early immunomodulatory treatment is important to improve both clinical manifestations and long – term outcome.

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Disfunción Mioneural Periférica Como Único Elemento Para el Diagnóstico de la Distrofia Miotónica Tipo I. Myoneural Disfunction For The Diagnosis Of Myotonic Dystrophy Type I

Myotonic dystrophy type 1, also known as Steinert’s disease, is a mulsystemic disorder that primarily affects the skeletal and smooth muscle, as well as the eye, heart, endocrine system and central nervous system. This pathology is uncommon and is characterized by generalized myotonia and multiorgan damage. Its clinical expression is variable, but in most cases, there is a variable degree of muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias and other conduction disorders, endocrine disorders, sleep disorders, cataracts and baldness. This is a hereditary disease with three recognizable phenotypes: mild, classic and congenital. Depending on the presentation, it may show poor prognosis and a usually rapid progression, which lacks of effective treatment. Case presentation: 54-year-old female patient who enters the Traumatology service of San Vicente de Paul Hospital in Ibarra, Ecuador for presenting a left femur fracture resulting from a fall of her own height. During hospitalization, the patient presented with type II respiratory failure without apparent cause, so she was admitted to the ICU for ventilatory support. The patient had difficulty achieving ventilatory weaning due to distal and proximal muscle weakness. Electromyography reveals a myopathic pattern compatible with the diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy type I. A tracheotomy was performed, and she was discharged for follow-up by the Internal Medicine service. The performance of a molecular diagnostic study was suggested. Conclusions: The molecular study is the diagnostic gold standard to determine with certainty the presence of myotonic dystrophy type I, besides allowing to determine its severity depending on the number of repeated. However, resource limitations in the present case forced evidence to be sought for diagnosis through electromyography. The treatment remains symptomatic. Because of its inheritance pattern being autosomal dominant, due to the expansion of trinucleotides, family members must be evaluated because they may have the diagnosis even though asymptomatic.

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Imitador de Ictus Debido a Trombosis Venosa Cerebral. Stroke Mimic Due To Cerebral Venous Thrombosis

Introduction: A stroke mimic is any non-vascular pathology that presents as an acute ischemic stroke. The clinical presentation, the epidemiological factors, the time to onset, vascular distribution and the availability of imaging tests are factors that help to differentiate them. Case report: We present a case, of a woman of the third age who was taken to the emergency department due to a five-hour history of left hemiparesis. The clinical evolution and the supplementary tests allowed to exclude the diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke. The semiology was explained by a prolonged Todd’s palsy that behaved as a stroke mimic at the acute phase and the seizures occurred in the context of a cerebral venous thrombosis. Comments: Stroke mimics, in contrast to acute ischemic stroke, occur in younger patients, have fewer vascular risk factors, lower NIHSS score, less aphasia and dysphagia. The main causes are seizures and syncope. Migraines, neoplasms, toxic or metabolic alterations, encephalopathies and functional disorders should also be considered. To perform a complete neurovascular study and directed tests will allow us to make the diagnosis.

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Síndrome de Embolia Grasa Postraumática, Síntomas Neurológicos Sin Clínica Respiratoria en Ausencia de Foramen Oval Permeable. Posttraumatic Fat Embolism Syndrome, Neurological Symptoms Without Respiratory Symptoms In The Absence Of Permeable Foramen Ovale.

Fat embolism syndrome is a potentially catastrophic complication of long-bone fractures. The classic triad of symptoms are petechial skin rashes, hypoxemia, and neurological abnormalities, which usually occur within 24 to 72 hours after the fracture. The respiratory component occurs in practically all of the reports. We present the case of a patient with post traumatic fat embolism with predominant neurological symptoms, without respiratory involvement in the absence of patent foramen ovale.

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Educarse Virtualmente. Virtual Education.

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Publicar Desde América Latina: Hay un Grado de Dificultad Mucho Mayor. Experiencias de un Investigador Extranjero en el Ecuador. Publishing From Latin America, A Difficult Endeavor. Experience From A Foreigner In Ecuador.

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Síndrome de Guillain-Barré: Comportamiento Actual En El Perú Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Current Behavior In Peru.

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Influencia del Estrés Crónico y de la Masticación Sobre el Dolor. Influence Of Chronic Stress And Chewing Over Pain.

Introduction: Chronic stress and mastication affect the response to pain; however, there is little knowledge about the relationship between these variables.

Objective: Determine the influence of chronic stress and mastication on the response to pain.

Methods: thirty-two 8-week-old male Balb/c mice were used. The sample was divided into 4 equal groups: Group N: normal mastication without stress; Group NE: Normal chewing + stress, Group D: deficient chewing without stress and Group DE: Poor chewing + stress. The response to the painful stimulus was evaluated through the tail withdrawal assay due to a thermal stimulus.

Results: By comparing the 4 experimental groups to the fourth and the eighth week through the ANOVA test yielded a value of p = 0.982 and p = 0.176; respectively. By applying the ‘t’ student, within each group, in comparison of the variation of the pain response between the fourth and eighth week, the values ​​of p = 0.52; p = 0.17; p = 0.84 and p = 0.069 were obtained for the group N, NE, D and DE respectively.

Conclusion: Chronic stress and mastication do not modify the response to pain in albino Balb/c mice.

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Arterial Stiffness Is Not Independently Associated With Nighttime Sleep Duration In Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Results From The Atahualpa Project. La Rigidez Arterial no se Encuentra Asociada con la Duración del Sueño Nocturno en Adultos Añosos Que Viven en la Comunidad. Resultados del Proyecto Atahualpa.

Objectives: We aimed to assess the association between arterial stiffness and nighttime sleep duration in community-dwelling older adults living in rural Ecuador.

Methods: Aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) determinations were used to assess arterial stiffness. Nighttime sleep duration was assessed by a single question. A generalized linear model—adjusted for demographics, cardiovascular risk factors and psychological distress—was fitted to assess the independent association between the aortic PWV and nighttime sleep duration (dependent variable).

Results: A total of 303 individuals were enrolled. Univariate analysis showed a significant association between the aortic PWV and long sleep duration (p=0.034), which vanished in a multivariate linear model (p=0.524). The single covariable remaining significant was anxiety (p=0.013).

Conclusion: Lack of independent association between arterial stiffness and nighttime sleep duration might be more likely related to lack of reliability of evaluation of sleep duration by means of a single question.

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Escala Reducida Para Valorar el Sentido de Coherencia: SOC 15 Scale Reduced To Value The Sense Of Coherence: SOC 15

Introduction: The sense of coherence is a construct of health that allows the individual to face difficult situations of life. It is configured by three factors: meaning, understanding and management. As a method of assessment of this construct, has been proposed the SOC scale with 29 items in its original version.

Objective: The objective of this study is to propose a reduced SOC scale.

Methods: We worked with a sample of 445 healthy participants from Quito-Ecuador, 145 men (32.5%) and 300 women (67.4%).

Results: It was obtained that the reduced scale of 15 items presents an adequate internal consistency in its three factors: understanding α= .74, management α= .82 and meaning α= .82. In the confirmatory factor analysis, an acceptable adjustment of the reduced model was found (SOC-15) x2= 317.90, DF= 87, p= <. 001, CFI= .92, RMSEA= .07 (.06-.08) and SRMR= .04.

Conclusions: The data is discussed in relation to the benefits of counting with a reduced scale for its future application in the clinical and health scientific context.

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Meningitis Criptocócica. Diferentes Contextos Clínicos y Complicaciones. Serie de 7 Casos. Cryptococal Meningitis. Different Clinical Context And Complications. Seven Cases.

Introduction. Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is a serious infection of the Central Nervous System. The diagnosis and treatment of these patients is often complex, due to the severity of the clinical manifestations and their complications. The aim of this study is to describe the different clinical contexts, the neuroradiological characteristics and the complications of patients with CM.

Patients. We performed a retrospective review of clinical and radiological factors of 7 patient’s diagnosis and treated with CM during the period October 2016 and September 2017, at the Eugenio Espejo Hospital.

Results. Male sex was predominant (6/7), with an average age of 31.6 years (Range 19-44). The average time for the diagnosis was 8.1 weeks. Immunosuppression causes were evidenced in 5 patients, two HIV positive, one case with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, CD4 idiopathic lymphopenia and Primary Intestinal Linfagectasia respectively. Three patients developed complications as disseminated cryptococcosis, visual acuity and hearing loss, mortality rate reach 26.8% of patients. Hypoglycorrhachia was a relevant feature with average 12.7mmg / dl. In MRI, the most common lesion was dilatation of Virchow Robins spaces (5/7), followed by ischemic lesions.

Conclusions. CM is characterized for high morbidity and mortality, initial symptoms may be nonspecific and delays the diagnosis as well as initiation of antifungal agents. Several predisposing immunosuppressive conditions can be found and sometimes a diagnostic challenge.

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La Autorregulación en la Primera Infancia: Avances Desde la Investigación. Self-Regulation In Early Childhood: Advances From Research.

A robust body of literature confirms the importance of developing the skills of self-regulation (working memory, attention and inhibitory control) from the early years, considering their impact on the achievements of the present and future success (eg adaptation to the school context, academic achievements, social participation). The aim of this review is to summarize the information on neuroscientific research on the topic of self-regulation, between 2000 and 2019, which has provided information to better understanding: (1) development processes between 0 and 8 years of age, each of these skills mentioned and (2) some of the factors involved in this process. The results confirm that both the chronological maturity and the experiences of the children will favor the optimal development of these skills. Additionally, each skill emerges and takes roots according to its own processes and time frames, turning into behavioral and neurological manifestations. Relevant factors can be either biological or contextual/social that will influence how these skills are developed and expressed in everyday life.

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Relación del Estado Nutricional con el Desarrollo Cognitivo y Psicomotor de los Niños en la Primera Infancia. Relationship Between Nutritional Status And Cognitive And Psychomotor Development Of Children In Early Childhood.

Gestation, the first years of life and nutritional status are important role in physical, psychosocial, emotional and cognitive development in childhood and adolescence. Different investigations have found a relationship between nutritional status with better cognitive performance, although conversely, malnutrition in these stages can cause imbalances between nutritional needs that could lead to obesity or malnutrition and influence cognitive development. The aim of this article was to review the relationship between nutritional status and cognitive and psychomotor development of children in early childhood. The method was systematic review in the databases ProQuest, Redalyc, Science Direct and Scopus in the years 2013-2018. This article concludes that both the intellectual capacity and the development of fine and gross motor skills depend on the nutritional status of infants and therefore a relationship between nutrition and psychomotor and cognitive development is suggested.

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El Perfil Epidemiológico y Clínico de la Esclerosis Múltiple en el Ecuador. The Clinical And Epidemiological Profile Of Multiple Sclerosis In Ecuador.

In recent years, the number of publications on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) from Ecuador has seen a significant increase. As a result, the research on the clinical and epidemiological behaviour of the disease has allowed us to make comparisons with other cohorts of patients with MS that come from regions where the prevalence of the disease is high. Nevertheless, Ecuador is still a country in which the prevalence of MS is low with a prevalence that fluctuates between 3 to 5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The epidemiological behaviour of MS is very similar to that of european cohorts, for example female patients are the most affected. However, the clinical behaviour of multiple sclerosis differs in terms of cognitive impairment and fatigue being less frequent. The impact of vitamin D on patients with MS is still unknown as only one study has been carried out. This study show that there is a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in ecuadorian patients, but this does not translate into an increase in prevalence or disability as it does in european populations. Although we have a better understanding of the disease in the country, more studies are necessary, and it is imperative that all ecuadorian patients with MS be included in future studies in order to improve our knowledge about the behaviour of this disease in our region.

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Infección por el Virus Linfotrópico de Células T Humano HTLV-1 y Paraparesia Espástica Tropical en Ecuador: Paradigma de Enfermedad Tropical Desatendida. Human T-Lymphotrophic Virus Infection (HTLV-1) And Tropical Spastic Paraparesis: Paradigms Of An Overlooked Tropical Disease.

The human T cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1) infection is considered endemic in South America. For more than two decades clinical cases of HTLV-1 associated mielopaties have been reported in Ecuador, pathology known as tropical spastic paraparesis. There is only two studies about HTLV-1 seroprevalence in Ecuador, both of them with small sample size but showing a high prevalence of HTLV-1 infection, at least for afrodescendants and indigenous communities. However, there is not a currently screening for blood and organ banks carried out by ecuadorian public health authorities. This scenario makes HTLV-1 infection and associated pathologies (like tropical spastic paraparesis) neglected diseases in Ecuador. More epidemiological studies need to be implemented in order to develop control and prevention strategies in the country.

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Las Aquaporinas y el Sistema Nervioso Central. Aquaporins and Central Nervous System.

The discovery of aquaporins, which constitute a family of integral membrane proteins, has meant a change with respect to the understanding of water transport in biological membranes. The most important is aquaporin 4 (AQP4) which we will focus on below, although there are two other aquaporins, 1 and 9. These aquaporins are of great importance in the physiology of cell volume control and osmotic control mechanisms of the cells. Also in the control of the flow of glycerol and other solutes. In addition, alterations in its functioning have been related to various diseases of the central nervous system such as neuromyelitis optics, cerebral edema, idiopathic intracranial hypertension or chronic hydrocephalus of the adult among others. A review is made on this topic.

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Escala de Observación Clínica Para Valorar la Tercera Unidad Funcional de la Teoría de Luria: EOCL-1. Scale Of Clinical Observation To Valuate The Third Functional Unit Of The Luria Theory: EOCL-1.

Luria’s brain organization model proposes the interaction of three functional units to understand the work performed by the human brain. The first of them is responsible for the regulation of tone and wakefulness. The second one to receive, process and store the information. The third, and of central interest of the investigation, is responsible for programming, executing and verifying mental activity. To evaluate this theory, a series of experimental neuropsychological tests have been developed, however, a scale has not been proposed that, based on the theoretical precepts on the third functional unit, allows to assess it based on the behaviors of the daily life of the human being. This research proposes a scale that will allow the clinician to assess the mental abilities associated with the ability to program, execute and verify the most complex form of mental activity; integrated in the third functional unit of Luria. The proposal is discussed, based on the benefit that is generated by having a scale that will allow to assess this theory, in the different environments where the individual develops through the action of the cerebral abilities of the third functional unit.

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