Not Available.
Tratamiento del Blefaroespasmo y Síndrome de Meige con toxina botulínica. Experiencia y seguimiento en 18 casos.
Treatment with botulinum toxin (BT) is a good therapeutic alternative for patients with blepharospasm and Meige’s syndrome. We report follow up results of 18 patients with blepharospasm and Meige’s syndrome treated with botulinum toxin, to asses therapy response. 67 injection sessions were performed with a mean dose of 40.2 ± 26.5 UI. The duration of effect was 120 ± 50 days and the global assessment of the results on a scale from 0 to 4 (0 no results to 4 very good results) was an average of 3.1 ± 0.72. We can say that botulinum toxin therapy was good or very good in 14 (77.7%) patients with blepharospasm and Meige’s Syndrome. Only 3 cases (16.6%) had significative complications, reversible in all cases.
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Estudio piloto de tratamiento de pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple con el uso de una formulación homeopática de la Biomodulina T.
25 patients with defined exacerbating-remitting Multiple Sclerosis (MS), with a score between 1 and 5.5 according to Kurtzke’s disability scale, were treated with Biomoduline T at 6 ch during 15 months. After concluding this treatment 83% of the patients were clinically stable according to the disability score. Due to the immunoregulating and anti-inflammatory effects of this product, the possibility of employing this homeopathic variant for the treatment of MS is suggested, considering its low cost of production and the fact that no adverse reactions were referred.
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Pathological changes induced by ototoxicity on spiral ganglion neurons and its peripheral processes.
Deafness is one of the most widespread disabilities in the world. Its most frequent cause is death of cochlear hair cells (located in the organ of Corti), which induces degeneration of spiral ganglion neurons and their peripheral processes innervating the organ of Corti. In a previous light microscopy study using a rat model of ototoxicity, a loss of spiral ganglion neurons was observed since the eighth week of deafness and peripheral processes degeneration since the fourth week. In order to determine the onset of ultrastructural degenerative changes, a transmission electron microscopy study of spiral ganglion neurons and their peripheral processes was undertaken. Rat cochleae sampled after 2, 4, 8 and 16 weeks of deafness and healthy controls were analyzed. Since the fourth week of deafness, Type I spiral ganglion neurons and the myelin sheaths of their peripheral processes showed progressive degenerative changes. Most of the remaining neurons exhibited complete demyelination at sixteen weeks of deafness, resulting in the pathological type III spiral ganglion neurons. These results show ultrastructural degenerative changes of the spiral ganglion neurons and their peripheral processes, before both undergo significant losses.
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Alteraciones del reflejo H, reflejo de parpadeo y neuroconducción en pacientes alcohólicos crónicos.
Introduction: The objective of this study was to determine alterations of the Blink-reflex (BR), H-reflex (HR) and nerve-conduction in a group of alcoholic patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 21 alcoholic patients with an average age of 43.5 years. The history of alcohol abuse was 22 ± 7.4 years. At the time of the study, none of the patients had ingested alcohol for more than 30 days. Results: BR component alterations were as follows: R1 right 19.0%, R2 right 57.1%, R2 right contralateral 71.4%, R1 left 9.5%, R2 left 61.9% y R2 left contralateral 52.4%. Only the R2 right and left ipsi and contralateral latancies were significantly prolonged (P < 0.05). The H-reflex was absent in 90.5% of the patients. There was no significant difference in the comparison of sensitive or motor nerve-conduction speed between alcoholics and healthy subjects. Conclusions: The absence of H-reflex was the most frequently found electrophysiological alteration in this group of alcoholic individuals.
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Conversión de Deterioro Cognitivo Leve a Demencia.
Great social efforts and sanitary conditions have decreased child mortality rates, decreased birth rates and increased life expectancy. Consequently, the proportion of adults has increased. The increased incidence of neurodegenerative disease such as dementia occurs in parallel to this demographic transition. Dementia may be associated with several risk factors. However, few studies have examined the rate of cognitive and functional decline.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of cognitive decline and dementia, risk factors and report results of cognitive and functional decline in patients in the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery.
Methods: We included all outpatients aged ≥ 50 years attending between 1999 and 2000. We sought to asses the Petersen criteria for the mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Patients were assessed using the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edition), and the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke and the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association criteria. We followed for up to 8 years.
Results: A total of 239 individuals were included. The conversion of MCI was of 25.6% per year and 56.4% at the eight years. The consumption of alcohol were associated with dementias (p<0.01).
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Terapia Celular en la Enfermedad de Parkinson.
The pathological hallmark of Parkinson’s disease is a gradual loss of nigrostriatal dopamine-containing neurons and is responsible for cardinal motor symptoms of the disease. Current therapeutic strategies are mostly based on pharmacological enhancement of the dopaminergic neurotransmission. This therapeutic approach has several long-term side effects, such as dyskinesias and fluctuations of response and is therefore limited in its use. Transplantation of fetal dopaminergic precursor cells has provided the proof that a cell replacement therapy can ameliorate clinical symptoms in affected patients. Novel therapies aiming at a stimulation of an endogenous dopamine production within the brain at a continuous rate might provide a more physiological and elegant way to overcome the dopaminergic deficiency in parkinsonian brains. This article will review recent studies demonstrating the potential of these alternative cell graft sources for treating Parkinson’s disease.
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Aspectos moleculares de las enfermedades metabólicas que conllevan trastornos del lenguaje.
Molecular characterization of metabolic diseases in which language impairment is a prominent symptom decisively contributes to a better understanding of the molecular effects and ontogenetic context on the development of the language organ. Main etiological feature in these diseases is actually diverse, as it may be disturbed in: 1) hormone homeostasis; 2) sugar, creatine, carnitine, lipid, sulphur, organic acid, or aminoacid metabolism; 3) different cellular processes (lysosomal storage and mitochondrial function). Metabolic disturbances ultimately lead to structural and functional anomalies in different brain regions, which positively correlate with the linguistic and cognitive impairments. Functional cloning has greatly helped to identify genes involved in such metabolic diseases, and so to a better understanding of the innate programme involved in the development of the linguistic module.
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La Memoria de Trabajo y su relación con otras funciones cognitivas en la Enfermedad de Parkinson.
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a neurological illness due to degeneration of the dopaminergic neurons of the nigro-striatal pathway. Each of the five frontal-subcortical circuits contributes in a different way to PD’s symptoms. The clinical manifestations are variable; they include non cognitive deficits like: rigidity, tremor, bradykinesia, and other motor deficits like hypomimic (mask-like face), hypophonia, dysarthria, dystonia and abnormal postures among others. The emotional disorders in PD include depression and anxiety. The frontotemporal dementia in PD has been described. The neuropsychological examination of the PD patient is done considering whether the main symptoms are bradykinesia and rigidity, since these patients show more severe cognitive decline. We must examine the attention, which is between the normal limits in simple tasks, but it shows deficits in more complex tasks; memory and learning are disturbed, orientation is intact; in verbal functions we evaluate vocabulary, syntaxes and grammar which are relatively intact, although the sentence length tend to be reduced; the visuospatial disorders are frequent in PD; thinking and reasoning must also be examined, in both of them there is normal performance and they show a realistic appreciation of their condition and limitations; the executive functions are evaluated, there are consistent failures in tests that require concept formation and thinking flexibility. PD treatment can be medical using L-Dopa, or surgery through techniques by lesion or stimulation to different surgical targets like the internal globus pallidus, the subthalamic nucleus, or the ventral medial thalamic nucleus, unilateral or bilaterally. The PD repercussions in working memory (WM) will be studied related to executive functions, speech, cronometraje, saccades and attention.
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Neuroimagen de la reorganización cortical en pacientes con lesión medular.
Introduction: Spinal cord injury promotes an afferent and efferent disconnection from the cortex causing neurologic deficits. Many imaging studies have shown that neuroplasticity occurs after effective treatments in patients with spinal cord injury.
Objective: The purpose of the study was to make a bibliographic review of the treatments applied after spinal cord injury, studying neuroplasticity and how supraespinal structures react to these treatments as shown by neuroimaging tools such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
Development: Treatments including cell transplantation, antibodies against myelin inhibitors or against antagonists of their receptors, surgical rebuilding methods and motor rehabilitation, can compensate the loss of function of the areas with injury. This improvement is characterized by cortical activation changes.
Conclusion: We conclude that the treatments currently used produce good results in relation to the sensorimotor reorganization in patients with spinal cord injury. fMRI is a valuable tool for the study of cerebral changes in spinal injury.
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Accidente Cerebrovascular en poblaciones situadas a grandes alturas: Revisión y análisis de los factores de riesgo.
Despite our understanding about cerebrovascular accident, also known as stroke, its risk factors, treatment and prevention, it remains the leading cause of death of both men and women worldwide. Several risk factors have been associated with higher incidence of stroke such as systolic or diastolic hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, cigarette smoking or obesity. Other such as cocaine abuse, heavy alcohol consumption, AIDS, Vitamin D and protein C deficiency are also important non traditional risk factors, associated with increased prevalence of stroke. Nevertheless, high altitude exposure and potential impact of hypoxia as a stroke risk factor –in people living or visiting high altitude environments– has not been clearly established yet. This review will analyze the available evidence concerning about the association of risk factors with higher prevalence of stroke during acute or chronic high altitude exposure, either in high altitude dwellers or new sojourners. The author will examine the available evidence behind the possible physiopathology of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in those living at high altitudes. We conclude that living or visiting high altitude locations is a potential non traditional risk factor associated with higher incidence of ischemic stroke, especially in young otherwise healthy men. The hypobaric hypoxia level or the altitude in which stroke commonly starts is very difficult to establish. However, it is well known that as soon as hypoxia causes acclimatization, risk becomes higher. The evidence suggests that high altitude exposure and consequent hypobaric hypoxia are important environmental factors to be considered. The time length of exposure, high levels of hematocrit and polycythemia are the most prevalent risk factors associated with higher incidence of stroke in subjects exposed to chronic or acute hypoxia.
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Control de calidad de las publicaciones científicas: Aspectos a considerar en nuestra revista y en revistas foráneas.
Not Available.
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Síndromes de Apert y Pfeiffer 2: Una aproximación diagnóstica.
Apert and Pfeiffer type 2 syndromes are low-prevalence genetic anomalies produced by a mutation in genes that codify the receptors of the fibroblastic growth factor. They are characteristic in presenting coronal craniosynostosis and syndactyly. Clinically, they are differentiated by moderate to severe mental retardation, polydactyly, and poor prognosis, typical of the Pfeiffer-type 2 syndrome; while in Apert’s syndrome mental retardation is mild and occasional, there is no polydactyly and has a better prognosis. It is not easy to differentiate clinically these two syndromes. We report a case of Apert syndrome and a case of Pfeiffer-type 2 syndrome, each with typical clinical characteristics. Furthermore, a review on the physiopathology and the phenotypical characteristics of these two syndromes, is performed.
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Diagnóstico prenatal enzimático de Enfermedades Lisosomales en Cuba.
In our country the prenatal diagnosis of lysosomal diseases with enzymatic techniques has been conducted since 1988. This paper describes 12 clinical cases of prenatal diagnosis in 11 couples who were known carriers of lysosomal diseases, all with affected and/or deceased children. Mothers underwent amniocentesis between 16-20 weeks of pregnancy, and samples were simultaneously processed with a control of the same gestational age. Amniocytes were cultured during 18 days, after which the enzymatic activities of α-L-iduronidase (for the MPS I case), arylsulphatase B (for MPS VI cases), α-L-fucosidase (for fucosidosis cases), β-galactosidase (for GM-1 gangliosidosis cases), β-glucosidase (for Gaucher cases), hexosaminidase A (for the Tay-Sachs case) and sphyngomyelinase (for the Niemann Pick case) were quantified. All 12 prenatal diagnoses were negative for the corresponding lysosomal disease and all pregnancies ended in a healthy newborn and in children with normal living. We concluded that prenatal enzymatic diagnosis was useful for defining the possible affection of the fetus and contributed to support genetic counseling for lysosomal diseases, although it does not rule out the need for molecular biology in doubtful cases.
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Trombosis Venosa Cerebral en una paciente con Linfoma no Hodgkin en remisión.
Introduction: Cerebral venous thrombosis is an unusual complication, scarcely reported in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma with indolent and not too aggressive type.
Case report: We describe the clinical picture of a woman with low degree non-Hodgkin lymphoma with an evolution of one year remission post treatment, who developed a sinus rectus thrombosis without relationship with intracranial extension nor treatment induced hypercoagulability state. The first manifestation was isolated migraine.
Conclusion: In patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and isolated migraine is important to perform neuroimaging studies in order to exclude a cerebral venous thrombosis.
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Glioblastoma Multiforme Intraventricular : Neuroimagen en 2 casos.
Not Available.
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El derecho y la medicina: Una estrecha relación de vieja data.
Not Available.
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Caracterización del paciente lesionado medular según deterioro neurológico y discapacidad.
Introduction: Assessment of spinal cord injured patients helps to determine the neurological impairment in a precise and unified way and to estimate in a reliable way, the prognosis of rehabilitation by tracing adequate objectives for the neurorehabilitation treatment.
Objective: To characterize those patients with spinal cord lesion hospitalized at our clinic, starting from the determination of the level and intensity of the spinal cord injury, as well as the level of functional independence.
Material and method: All the patients hospitalized at the International Center of Neurologic Restoration (CIREN) with traumatic spinal cord injury were evaluated from March to June 2008. All international standards were applied for the neurologic classification of the spinal cord injured patient (ASIA-American Spinal Injury Association) and Barthel’s Functional Independence Scale. The groups were classified according to the intensity and level of the lesion.
Results: 25 patients with traumatic spinal cord lesions were evaluated. 21 patients out of 25 were classified as paraplegic and the remaining four as tetraplegic according to the intensity of the lesion, the neurologic level and functional independence.
Conclusions: The patients with post-traumatic spinal cord lesion were characterized in a precise way. Paraplegia predominated as well as lesions in men. There was a relation between the degree of neurological impairment and functional independence.
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Construcción de una tabla de valores referenciales para un laboratorio de neurofisiología.
This is an study performed to develop a normal reference table of values for nerve conduction studies including sensory, motor and late responses (F Wave and H Reflexes) of the median, ulnar, radial, sural and peroneal nerves; same as also its correspondent late responses and the study of the median-flexor carpi radialis and tibial-soleus complexes in a neurophysiology laboratory located in an Andean city about 2600 m above the level of the sea. This consecutive study includes 100 patients referred for evaluation, free of neuropathic pathology same as also without risk factors associated to peripheral nerve disease. The mean age was 49 year old; with the lower and upper limits between 15 and 71 years old. The normal conduction values (and standard deviation) for sensory responses are (in meter by second): median nerve 53.3±2.2, ulnar nerve 55.2±3.6, radial nerve 54.8±4.2, sural nerve 57.5±5, and 53.1±4.5 in the superficial peroneal nerve. The motor conduction normal values are: 57.5±4.6 for the median nerve, 63.7±5.3 for the ulnar nerve, 57.9±4.2 the radial nerve, and 55.7±3.6 for the common peroneal nerve. The latency when we study the late responses showed as normal values (in milliseconds); 23.5±1.3 for the median nerve, 23.9±1.5 for the ulnar nerve, and, 40.0±2 for the peroneal nerve. The H Reflex latency also in milliseconds was 16.3±1.2 for the median-flexor carpi radialis complex; and 28.7±2 for the tibial-soleus complex. The results are very similar compared to the international published data, in relation to the height of the included subjects; the difference is related to this factor and shows normal responses once we eliminated the confound factors depending in the environment (skin temperature as the principal).
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Principales factores multicausales en la epilepsia que inducen al deterioro de funciones cognitivas.
By studying a group of epileptic patients we try to know the low levels of intelligence quotient (IQ) and positive cognitive deterioration index (DI) and its relation to a group of multietiologic factors. Wechsler’s IQ and DI were used in the study with 130 epilepsy diagnosed patients that were divided into two groups: in the first one were those with CI < 89 and > 90, and in the other those that had either DI positive or not. These variables were analyzed according to biological, psychosocial and drug factors. The data was processed with statistigraphs as Fisher, Odds Ratio, and ANOVA. Out of the total of studied patients 52.31% had a CI <89 and 47.69% had CI >90. 52.3% of the patients had no deterioration and 47.7% showed deterioration index. The factors related to patients with CI < 89 were: past history of alcoholism, first seizure < of 15 years, seizures presented for more than 10 years, high frequency of the seizures, partial seizures with secondary generalization and phenytoin treatment.
Factors related to the DI were: alcoholism, high frequency of seizures, partial seizures with secondary generalization, association with chronic psychosis, treatment with phenytoin and a mixture of phenytoin and carbamazepine. Half of the patients had IQ < 89, and more than one fourth of them showed deterioration. It´s considered that although the deterioration, detected by Weschler Adults Intelligence Scale (WAIS), may not be visible, it is important to know its existence to diminish the risk factors.
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Comparison of hemorheology and plasma contents of TXB2, 6-Keto-PGF1 alpha in model rats with three kinds of cerebral ischemia.
Objective: To compare changing features of hemorheological, TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha in plasma in three kinds of model rats with cerebral ischemia.
Materials and Methods: 128 adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups: a middle cerebral artery occlusion with intraluminal thread group (MCAO-group), a bilateral common carotid artery ligation group (BCCA-group), a unilateral common carotid artery ligation group (UCCA-group) and a normal control group (NC-group). Blood for hemorheological testing of all rats was taken from abdominal aorta 24h following cerebral ischemia and hemorheological index was determined. Plasma contents of TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha were detected by radio-immunity.
Results: The whole blood viscosity value, plasma viscosity value, and hematocrit were higher in MCAO-group among three model groups, followed by BCCA-group and UCCA-group. The deformity index of RBC in MCAO-group was significantly lower than that in normal-group. There were significant differences for plasma contents of TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha among the three model groups and the normal group. There were significant differences for plasma level of 6-Keto-PGF1a, TXB2 between MCAO-group and the normal group, but no difference among the three model groups(p>0.05).
Conclusion: MCAO was the greatest in contribute to changes of hemorheology and plasma contents of TXB2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha among three rat models with cerebral ischemia.
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Neuropsychological evaluation of 246 Portuguese normal subjects with Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological battery, MMSE, Clock Drawing Test, Luria’s Graphic Series & Depression symptomatology questionnaire.
A total of normal 246 adult subjects were evaluated with Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery – LNNB (Portuguese Experimental Version – Maia et al, 2006), Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Clock Drawing Test, Luria’s Graphic Series and Depression symptomatology questionnaire (IACLIDE – anachronism for the Portuguese denomination Inventory of Clinical Assessment of Depression); they were randomly selected from the Portuguese population that voluntarily accepted to take part in this project. All subjects selected had right hand specialization and were Caucasian. The age range was selected following the usual procedures in Portugal (18 old – 65 old, with average = 35, 80 and S.D. 13,869). The major results of tests were evaluated having as grouping factors the age, sex and scholar level. The analysis of data with Chi Square test, T tests, Anova and Pearson correlation showed great consistency with results around the world about the internal consistency of LNNB in strongly discriminating normal subject from neuropsychological affected patients. The concurrent validity with the other tests used shows again a great relation about the variables that were studied. Finally, the first Portuguese normative data about LNNB -in an experimental phase, with almost a quarter of thousand patients- were presented. We believe that this article could be of great value and help for those who are engaged in neuropsychological assessment and are principally interested in the viability of the plethora of cognitive tests particularly used to adequately evaluate normal and abnormal neuropsychological performance.
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Fractura de cadera y deterioro cognitivo: un estudio seccional-cruzado.
Cognitive impairment is a non modifiable risk factor for hip fracture.
Objective: To determine if patients older than 60 years old with hip fracture presented association with cognitive impairment.
Method: Cross-sectional study.
Patients. All patients older than 60 years admitted in the traumatology service of Enrique Garcés Hospital in Quito-Ecuador.
Data recollection. It was made by: clinical history, interview with the patient that included valoration of cognitive state by minimental test and the photograph test, interview with the relatives of the patients if they where during his or her hospital stay. The variables were analyzed in percentages and the data was utilized to evaluate if there was a mayor association between cognitive impairment and hip fracture.
Results. Of the 56 patients included 83,92% presented cognitive impairment, of this patients 85,10% presented dementia and 42,55% presented severe dementia. The association between the following variables was significant: patients older than 80 years old with severe dementia OR 8 (IC 1,75 – 41,18), analphabets with severe dementia OR 5,33 (IC 1,13 – 27,97), hip fracture with severe dementia OR 6,28 (IC 1,54 – 30,24), hip fracture with falling OR 19,09 (IC 3,36 – 187,38).
Conclusions: Severe dementia presented an association with age older or equal to 80 years and analphabetism, and hip fracture presented an association with severe dementia and falling.
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Estudio de 20 pacientes con epilepsia del lóbulo temporal medial con esclerosis del hipocampo.
In order to more precisely define temporomedial epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis, we evaluated 20 patients with magnetic resonance imaging findings of it: 1. Abnormal high signal of the hippocampus on T2 and Flair, 2. Hippocampal atrophy and 3. Structural deformity in hippocampus. 6 patients (55%) had history of febrile seizures during early chilhood or infancy. 4 patients (36%) had head trauma and 1 patient (9%) had neonatal hypoxia. The mean age of seizure onset was 18 years. All patients had complex partial seizures at onset.15 patients (75%) had auras, with abnormal abdominal visceral sensation being the most common type (40%). 11 patients with identified risk factors had an interval between the presumed cerebral insult and the development of habitual seizures, with a mean seizure free interval of 11 years. All patients had oroalimentary automatisms, and 14 patients (70%) also had other automatisms. 9 patients (45%) had lateralizing signs, 6 patients had contralateral version of the head and eyes and 3 patients had dystonic posturing of the contralateral upper extremity. 15 patients (75%) had an abnormal electroencephalogram. 13 patients (87%) showed paroxysmal abnormalities that were localized in the anterior temporal region, over the side of the hippocampal sclerosis in 12 patients and over one temporal lobe in 1 patient with bilateral hippocampal sclerosis with paroxysmal activity. . 2 patients (13%) had interictal bilateral temporal slowing, these patients had bilateral hippocampal sclerosis.
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Parkinsonismo inducido por neurolépticos. Caracterización clínica.
Background: Neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism is the most common clinical form of extrapyramidal syndrome induced by drugs. The objective of this research was to characterize its clinical spectrum.
Materials and methods: We collected the results of clinical neurological evaluation of 28 patients with chronic psychosis and parkinsonism, in treatment with parenteral decanoate of flufenacine and other classical antipsychotic drugs. The parkinsonism was confirmed by a specialist in neurology and was completed with the implementation of the motor section of the unified scale for the assessment of Parkinson’s disease (UPDRS).
Results: The mean age was 45.6 years and the relationship male / female 0.86:1. The average time of treatment with decanoate of flufenacine was 5 years and the 60.7% of patients had other neuroleptic associated. The parkinsonism is associated with the triad of bradicinesia, stiffness and tremor. We found no significant asymmetries and the predominant involvement was in the upper limbs. Generally these are mild forms that do not produce severe disability.
Conclusions: The drug-induced parkinsonism is different from Parkinson’s disease for more bilateral involvement of dominance in the upper limbs. And it can coexist with others extrapyramidal manifestations.
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Gliomas en pediatría. Análisis anatomopatológico de 233 casos.
The purpose of this paper was to analyze the anatomopathologic characteristics (location, histopathologic classification and gradation) of 233 Central Nervous System gliomas registered in the National Pediatric Neurosurgery Reference Center (Cuba), and to compare these results with other series from the literature.
Results: Gliomas represented 49,6 % of the total nervous system tumors diagnosed while collecting this series. The histopathologic gradation of the gliomas was: Grade I: 71, Grade II: 84, grades III: 64 and grade IV: 6. The histopathologic classification was: 107 grade I-II Astrocytoma; 51 grade III-IV Astrocytoma; 37 grade I-II Ependymoma; 21 grade III Ependymoma ; 7 grade II Oligodendroglioma; 3 grade II Oligoastrocytoma and 1 grade III Oligoastrocytoma. The locations of the gliomas were: 222 intracranial (127 supratentorial y 95 infratentorial) and 11 in the spinal cord. Male to female ratio was1.3:1.
Conclusions: Supratentorial gliomas were more frequent, different from other reported series. Pilocytic Astrocytoma was the more frequent glioma in this study.
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Información epidemiológica sobre la morbilidad hospitalaria en el Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía de la ciudad de México durante el período 2002-2007.
Hospital morbidity provides information for the strategic planning and implementation of health actions and programmes.
Objective: To determine the main causes of hospital morbidity, its distribution and behavior during the period 2000-2007 at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery in Mexico City (INNN).
Materials and Methods: An observational, transversal retrolective study was carried out. Data was collected from discharge notes and from the hospital database from the Epidemiology Department. The different rates of morbidity were calculated and their tendencies were determined for a period of six years.
Results: The main causes of morbidity were malignant encephalic tumors and benign tumors from other endocrine glands. However, a tendency to the increment of subarachnoid hemorrhage (p=0.03), cerebrovascular diseases (p=0.04) and benign brain tumors and from other parts of the central nervous system (p=0.01) was found.
Conclusions: Even though this is not a population study, the information obtained from one of the main training institutes and centers of the world and the largest in Latin America, is of great importance. It can be seen how, even though cerebrovascular diseases showed a tendency to increase, benign encephalic tumors occupy the main rates regarding morbidity.
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Esclerosis Múltiple y neuroplasticidad: Eventos en la patogenia y proyecciones terapéuticas.
Several forms of neural plasticity can occur in the adult Nervous System activated by experience and regulated by the interaction among the environment, stress, physical exercises, and physiological conditions (i.e. pregnancy). Recent studies demonstrate that specific neuroplastic events occur in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and its experimental animal model, as well as some punctuate failures in neuroplastic mechanisms. Basic pathogenic mechanisms of MS related to axonal and myelin integrity loss and associated to inflammation processes and the dual roll of inflammation in the neurodegeneration/neuroprotection relation are reviewed. We emphasize in the actual therapies trends in those topics and in the current evidences of neuroplastic changes in MS.
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El marcapasos del parpadeo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
Clinical and functional neurological studies have suggested that the motor cortex, M1, does not control facial muscles, mostly the superior ones. Recent studies including current transcranial magnetic stimulation, showed that neural structures related with the cingulate cortex is the main brain region controlling facial muscles in humans. These facts will help clarifying discrepant findings in clinical neurology related to the well known -but not well understood- central facial palsy, among other applications.