Streptococcus Constellatus ssp pharingi belongs to the group of Streptococcus Anginosus, it constitutes normal flora of th respiratory, gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts, it infrequently produces localized or disseminated infections in patients with risk factors. The case of a 41-year-old male patient is reported, with a history of pituitary macroadenoma resection in 2003, undergoing treatment, who consulted the emergency department for 4 days with intense holocranial headache, fever, emesis, associated with temporospatial disorientation and weakness in lower limbs in the last 24 hours. He required management in the intensive care unit, mechanical ventilation, vasopressor support, and tracheostomy, due to respiratory and hemodynamic deterioration. In extension studies, meningitis due to Streptococcus Constellatus ssp pharingi was documented in the presence of sinusitis, cerebrospinal fluid fistula and multi-infarct cerebral vascular compromise, product of vasculitis of infectious origin, a severe manifestation of
bacterial meningitis, not previously reported by this microorganism.