Locked-In Syndrome, also known as Enclaustration, Deseferentization, or Enclosure Syndrome, was first defined in 1966 by Plum and Posner. Causes can be grouped into vascular and non-vascular, the former being the most frequent. Clinically this syndrome is characterized by consciousness and the state of watch conserved, but there is quadriplegia, anartria, dysphagia and difficulty to coordinate the ventilatory mechanics, representing pulmonary complications the main cause of death. In most cases, the patient retains vertical eye mobility, so the only method of communication is through eye blinking and vertical eye movements. Next, a case presentation and review of the literature with the most relevant pathophysiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects is done.
sistema vertebrobasilar
Síndrome de Locked-In: Reporte de Caso y Revisión de Literatura. Locked-In Syndrome: Case Report And Review Of Literature.
Palabras clave: conciencia,
síndrome de enclaustramiento,
Síndrome Locked-In,
sistema vertebrobasilar,