This article reports the process followed for the linguistic adaptation of the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery “BREV” in a population of Ecuadorian school children. The translation-back-translation method was used. The final version of the test was applied to a pilot sample of 100 schoolchildren from the city of Cuenca – Ecuador. The piloting revealed results similar to the original version in most of the subtests, however, there are still certain adaptation errors at the level of some terms and stimuli of the test that must be corrected. The statistical results demonstrated a significance of 5% (p <0.05) in the correlations between the performance of each subtest and the age of the Ecuadorian children. It was concluded that the final version of the linguistic adaptation of the Battery “BREV” obtained in this first part of the investigation similar results to the original version; but a statistical analysis by retest is necessary to ensure the equivalence and reliability of the adapted instrument with respect to the original French test.