Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Neurología, de la Liga Ecuatoriana Contra la Epilepsia y de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Enfermedad Cerebrovascular

Resultados de Búsqueda


Relación entre la depresión y la demencia. Relationship between depression and dementia


The high association of depression and dementia in the elderly has motivated to investigate the type of relationship that exists between them. The objective of this narrative review was to describe the relationship between depression and dementia, for which the Medline, Science Direct, Dialnet, Redalyc databases were reviewed between 2000 and 2021, with the verbal descriptors “dementia” AND “depression” AND “relationship” AND “older adult” OUT “caregiver depression” to locate the candidate documents and then select the final sample made up of 60 published articles, which were reviewed by three judges for selection. Seven explanations of the relationship between dementia and depression were identified in which depression is considered a risk factor for dementia, a prodrome, a consequence, among others. Likewise, there was evidence that, although all the hypotheses have scientific support, there are also indications of their refutability. The types of relationship with the greatest scientific support were “depression as a risk factorand “as a prodrome of dementia”, although the limitations in the studies prevent clarifying the relationship between these entities. Longitudinal studies that review the history of depression are suggested as a useful methodology to determine the relationship between them.

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Bilateral necrosis of the globus pallidus after binge-drinking. Necrosis bilateral de globos pálidos luego de ingesta excesiva y sostenida de alcohol


A 77-year-old man developed progressive slurry speech, action tremor in both upper limbs, generalized bradykinesia, and unsteady and shuffling gait several weeks after heavy binge-drinking followed by an unconsciousness state in which the patient did not respond to verbal commands or painful stimuli. MRI disclosed bilateral and symmetrical necrosis of globus pallidus as well as severe cortical and hippocampal atrophy. Damage of the globus pallidus was likely related to respiratory acidosis during the event. Pallidal Parkinsonism should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a progressive movement disorder after an acute toxic or hypoxic insult to the nervous system.

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Hemorragia intracerebral espontánea en pacientes con Covid-19 severa: Reporte de dos casos. Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage in severe Covid-19 patients: Report of two cases


The respiratory system is mainly affected by the SARS-CoV-2 infection, producing a severe acute respiratory syndrome known as COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019), patients with severe disease usually develop multiorgan failure; among these we can focus on the nervous system, due to its potential neurotropism. Recent clinical data reveal that patients may manifest symptoms such as anosmia, dysgeusia, impaired consciousness, headache, seizures, and cerebrovascular disease (CVD). We describe two physically active male patients with complicated SARS-CoV-2 infection without significant comorbidities related to the development of intracranial hemorrhage, nor a history of head trauma or documented anatomic malformations. Both were admitted by the emergency department and during their stay in the ICU they developed intracranial hemorrhage diagnosed by computed tomography. The paraclinical findings in the two cases were compatible with a prothrombotic state as possible etiologies of bleeding in both.

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Alteración del estado de conciencia secundario a intoxicación por litio. Altered state of consciousness secondary to lithium intoxication


Introduction: Lithium is a pharmacological molecule that is commonly used in patients with bipolar affective disorder. Due to its chemical similarity to sodium, alterations in the latter have a direct effect on its plasma concentrations. Among the complications that can occur are nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, thyroid dysfunction, and some central nervous system defects such as nystagmus, ataxia, tremor, fasciculations, seizures, and coma.

Objective: To present the case of a patient with a syndrome of altered state of consciousness secondary to lithium poisoning coincide.

Clinical case: 61-year-old woman with a history of bipolar affective disorder who presented the syndrome of altered state of consciousness associated with lithium poisoning, for which reason the drug was withdrawn and hemodialysis sessions were carried out, obtaining an adequate response. with improvement of renal function and normalization of serum lithium values (0.76 mmol / L).

Conclusions: Lithium may involve alterations at the renal level that are associated with modifications in serum electrolytes. This can facilitate the appearance of neurological symptoms or symptoms, as evidence in the present case.

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Canalopatía de calcio CACNA1E: Nueva encefalopatía epiléptica en un paciente pediátrico. CACNA1E calcium channelopathy: New epileptic encephalopathy in a pediatric patient


Introduction: Epileptic and developmental encephalopathies, related to voltage-associated calcium channel mutations, are heterogeneous entities recently described in pediatric population.

Objective: To describe the case of pediatric patient with epileptic and developmental encephalopathy caused by a mutation in the CACNA1E gene that codes for a calcium channel.

Clinical case: Preschool male patient with refractory epilepsy starting at two months of life, associated with global developmental delay, behavioral disorder, hyperkinetic movements (dystonia) and hypotonia, with multifocal interictal activity and normal brain resonance, with pathogenic mutation in the gene CACNA1E.

Conclusion: Mutations in the CACNA1E gene cause functional alteration of the calcium channel CaV2.3, originating a clinical picture of a recently described phenotype.

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Aplasia unilateral del nervio vestibulococlear. Unilateral Vestibulocochlear nerve aplasia


Introduction: Vestibulo cochlear aplasia is an embryological defect in the formation of the inner ear that causes a sensorineural hearing loss. We report the case of an 8 year-old boy with left sided hearing loss, not previously detected. On neurological examination, a hearing loss in the left ear was found. Through imaging studies, the diagnosis is confirmed.

Conclusion: When hearing loss is suspected, imaging studies are the ideal method for detecting pathological findings in the inner ear.

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Con historia hacia el futuro. With a history to the future


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Trastorno del espectro autista y cursos masivos abiertos en línea: Tratando de disminuir la brecha del acceso a la información. Autism spectrum disorder and massive open online courses: Trying to close the gap in access to information


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Qué difícil concepto: El potencial de acción nervioso. What a difficult concept: The nerve action potential


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Mareo, vértigo y COVID-19. Dizziness, vertigo and COVID-19


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Drip and ship: Una práctica usual en el tratamiento de ictus isquémico por oclusión de arterias proximales en países de altos ingresos pero anecdótica en Colombia. Drip and ship: a prevalent practice in acute stroke with large vessel occlusion in high-income countries but anecdotal in Colombia


The Drip and Ship consists of giving intravenous thrombolysis in the primary center and referral for mechanical thrombectomy.

Objective: To describe the experience of Drip and Ship in acute ischemic stroke in two regions of Colombia.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective case series study of patients undergoing Drip and Ship from 2019 to first quartile of 2021. We compared times: door-to-image, door-to-needle, door-to-groin and clinical outcomes. Measures of central tendency and descriptive statistics were calculated. 

Results: Six patients with ischemic stroke and large vessel occlusion were registered. Median of 60 minutes of the onset of symptoms, 75 minutes for door-to-needle, 167.5 minutes for door-in door-out time, and 91.5 minutes for travel time referred from another city. Five patients received mechanical thrombectomy with TICI 2c-3. 50% of patients with favorable modified Rankin scale at discharge and 84% at three months. 

Conclusions: According to the RES-Q registry, between 2019 and the first quartile of 2021, there were 5954 cases of ischemic stroke cases in Colombia, and 20 patients received Drip and Ship strategy (0.33%). In agreement to international guidelines, door-to-needle and remission times were longer than recommended, especially in patients from other cities. It is necessary to structure care networks to improve treatment times and the number of patients treated.

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The association between pineal gland calcification and intracranial atherosclerotic disease in older adults. Asociación entre calcificaciones de la glándula pineal y enfermedad aterosclerótica intracraneal en adultos mayores


Background: This study assesses whether pineal gland calcification (PGC) a surrogate for reduced endogenous melatonin production is associated with significant stenosis of large intracranial arteries a biomarker of intracranial atherosclerotic disease (ICAD). 

Methods: Individuals aged ≥60 years enrolled in the Three Villages Study received head CT to assess PGC and MRA to estimate stenosis of large intracranial arteries. Multivariate logistic regression models were fitted to assess the association between PGC and ICAD, after adjusting for relevant confounders. Inverse probability of exposure weighting was used to estimate the effect of PGC on ICAD. 

Results: A total of 581 individuals were enrolled. PGC and ICAD were associated in a fully-adjusted logistic regression model (p=0.032). Inverse probability of exposure weighting showed an estimate for the proportion of ICAD among those without PGC of 3.7% and the adjusted-effect coefficient was 5.7% higher among those with PGC (p=0.031). 

Conclusions: PGC is associated with ICAD. Study results provide grounds for evaluating the role of melatonin deficiency in ICAD progression. 

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Niveles altos de hemoglobina glicosilada se asocian a hemorragia intracerebral espontánea: Estudio de casos y controles. High levels of glycated hemoglobin are associated with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: A case control study


Introduction: Evidence shows that glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) is associated with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). However, reports in Latin-American patients are scarce.

Objective: To determine if HbA1C is a risk factor for ICH.

Methods: A case-control study was carried out. Cases were hospitalized patients with ICH, whereas the controls were diabetic patients within the same age range. Logistics regression was calculated to identify risk factors associated with ICH.

Results: A total of 45 cases and 45 controls were included. HbA1C values were higher in the ICH group (median 6.8%, IQR=5.8– 7.5) compared to the control group (median 5.8%, IQR=5.5–6.2%; P<0.001). High HbA1C values were identified as a risk factor for ICH (OR=2.75, 95% CI=1.41-5.41). Among the ICH patients, barely 29% had a confirmed previous diagnosis of diabetes. The hospital mortality rate in the ICH patients was 37.8%, while mortality was 15% in the patients with diabetes and 46% in those without a previous diabetes diagnosis. 

Conclusions: High HbA1C levels were associated with the development of ICH. It is paramount to improve public policies for early detection of diabetes due to the potential to reduce the impact of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in the general population.

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Uso de la Escala de Inteligencia de Adultos de Wechsler-IV para la evaluación neuropsicológicas en Ecuador. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV for use in Neuropsychological Assessments in Ecuador


An important part of cognitive status evaluation is the determination of general cognitive ability. However, the most common tests are not standardized for use in Ecuador. This has limited the extent and accuracy of clinical neuropsychological assessments within the country. We used the 7-subtest Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV) with 155 mainly city-living Ecuadorian adults, recruited from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds around 4 different sites in Ecuador. The sample was matched to the Ecuadorian urban population for gender, education, and ethnicity. We show that this version of the WAIS-IV is a reliable and valid assessment for this context. In addition, we provide a method to adjust standard scores derived from the Spanish population, and used in the WAIS-IV manual, so that they are more appropriate for use in Ecuador. These can potentially be used to calculate full IQ scores. We also describe methods of comparing the Ecuador-adjusted standard scores so that they can be used in clinical neuropsychological evaluations of Ecuadorian adults.

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La historia del COVID-19 no terminará con el control del SARS-CoV-2. ¿Qué se debe esperar de las comunidades rurales de América Latina más allá de la pandemia. Una perspectiva neurológica. The COVID-19 history will not end with the control of SARS-CoV-2. What should be expected in rural communities of Latin America beyond the pandemic? A neurological perspective


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Consideraciones éticas sobre COVID-19 y pacientes frágiles con demencia. Ethical considerations regarding COVID-19 and fragile patients with dementia


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Trastornos del sueño en estudiantes de medicina durante época de COVID-19. Sleep disorders in medical students during the COVID-19 era


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Índice leucoglucémico alto como predictor de mortalidad intrahospitalaria en pacientes con ictus isquémico agudo. High leuko-glycemic index as an in-hospital mortality predictor in patients with acute ischemical ictus


Objective: To demonstrate that the high leuko-glycemic index was a predictor of in-hospital mortality in patients with acute ischemic stroke of the Neurology Department at Belen of Trujillo Hospital in the period from January 2014 to December 2018.

Material and method: Observational, analytical, cohort and retrospective research, conducted at Belen of Trujillo Hospital, with a census sample of patients hospitalized in the Neurology department with diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke in the period from January 2014 to December 2018 , who met the selection criteria.

Results: 281 medical records were analyzed, where 18 were of deceased patients, of which 56% died with a leuko-glycemic index greater than 1600, the association being statistically significant (RRa: 6.33, CI: 95% [1.35 – 29.64]; p = 0.019). In addition, in the multivariate analysis, age greater than or equal to 80 years, admission moderate awareness disorder and in-hospital pneumonia were also relevant.

Conclusion: The high leuko-glycemic index was a predictor of in-hospital mortality in patients with acute ischemic stroke of the Neurology Department at Belen of Trujillo Hospital in the period from January 2014 to December 2018.

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Prevalencia de neuromitos en académicos universitarios de Chile. Neuromyth prevalence in university academics in Chile


Introduction: A neuromyth is an interpretation error derived from a misunderstanding or mistaken belief about scientific findings, being frequent in educational contexts, but also in the area of neurology and other neurosciences. This research aimed to determine the prevalence of neuromyths among Chilean university scholars.

Methodology: Quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional study. The instrument used was the Neuromyth Prevalence Questionnaire, Spanish version. The sample considered 64 scholars from six Chilean universities.

Results: Among university teachers of education careers, four neuromyths had a prevalence higher than 70% in the items related to the relevance of the stimuli in the preschool stage and that individuals learn better when they receive information according to a learning style (visual, auditory or kinesthetic, VAK).

Conclusions and Recommendations: In conclusion, there is a high prevalence of neuromyths among the Chilean university scholars studied. As a challenge of scholar performance, they should adequately disseminate neuroscience research, as this impacts student training and their professional future. Furthermore, the awareness about neuromyths that prevail among them will allow us to address the dismissal of misconceptions that have lasted for a long time in the complex scenario of the interaction between educational sciences and neurosciences.

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Función cognitiva en adultos mayores con y sin dedos de Dawson relacionados con enfermedad de pequeño vaso cerebral. Cognitive performance in older adults with and without Dawson’s fingers-related cerebral small vessel disease


Background/objective: Dawson’s fingers have been traditionally associated with multiple sclerosis. However, this imaging biomarker has also been linked to white matter hyperintensities related to cerebral small vessel disease. In the latter, Dawson’s fingers could represent damage of small venules in subjects with severe small vessel disease and could theoretically be associated with cognitive decline. In this study, we aimed to assess the association between Dawson’s fingers and cognitive performance in a population of older adults. 

Methods: Population-based study conducted in individuals aged 60 years or older, residing in three rural villages of coastal Ecuador (Atahualpa, El Tambo and Prosperidad). Of 712 older adults identified by means of a door-to-door survey, 590 underwent a brain MRI. Of them, 575 also had the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). We selected the 157 individuals with moderate-to-severe white matter hyperintensities to assess the presence of Dawson’s fingers. The independent association between Dawson’s fingers and cognitive performance (as the dependent variable) was assessed by means of a linear regression model, after adjusting for demographics, cardiovascular risk factors, and the other biomarkers of cerebral small vessel disease. 

Results: Of 157 individuals with moderate-to-severe White matter hyperintensities, 17 (11%) had Dawson’s fingers on MRI. The mean MoCA score in subjects with Dawson’s fingers was 14.5±6.4 points and that of those without this neuroimaging biomarker was 17.3±6.2 points. The association between Dawson’s fingers and the MoCA score was marginal in univariate models (p=0.082), but it completely vanished in a multivariate linear regression model adjusted for relevant covariates (β:-0.31; 95% C.I.: -3.23 2.60; p=0.833). A mediation model disclosed that 83.5% of the effect of Dawson’s finger on cognitive performance was mediated by age. 

Conclusion: Dawson’s fingers are not independently associated with cognitive performance in individuals with cerebral small vessel disease. Most of the effect of this association is mediated by age. 

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Síntomas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés en la población general ecuatoriana durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Depression, anxiety and stress symptoms experienced by the ecuadorian general population during the pandemic for COVID-19


Objective: To describe the mental health state of Ecuadorian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic from March to August 2020. Data from a larger study involving several Spanish-speaking countries were analyzed. This research was non-experimental, quantitative, and cross-sectional, conducted through an anonymous online survey used as the collection tool.

Results: A total of 766 people participated, 64.23% were women and the mean age was 32.35 (SD = 12.54). Around 8% of the participants declared having presented a diagnosis of COVID-19, and 12.9% having experienced associated symptoms. Most participants (77.4%) indicated not having had mental health problems in the past, and 87.6% did not have these problems during the pandemic. However, 41% acknowledged having experienced greater psychological distress. Participants presented low levels of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Women and young adults were the most affected groups by the assessed symptoms.

Conclusions: In pandemic and confinement situations, providing mental health care services for the general population is essential, especially for women and young adults.

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Music therapy intervention for memory, attention, and language in children with dyslalia. Intervención musicoterapéutica para mejorar la memoria, atención y lenguaje in niños con dislalia


Dyslalia is a language disorder that is present in a wide percentage of children. This work proposes an intervention protocol in music therapy to improve attention, memory, and language for children with the dyslalia disorder. A confirmatory mixed-method design composed of two studies was conducted: the first included a quantitative and pre-experimental design with a sample of 20 children aged between 5 and 8 years (Mage=6.45, SD=1.23) diagnosed with dyslalia. The second study used a qualitative confirmatory methodology, where participants’ parents and therapists participated. Wepman’s and the initial Luria pre- and post-tests measurements were applied. The results of the pre-experiment found statistically significant improvements in verbal regulation t(19)=-5.03, p=<.001, d=.76, attention t(19)=-5.05, p=<.001, d=.76, and memory t(19)=-2.88, p=.009, d=.55. In the qualitative phase, narratives were found that affirmed the positive results of the pre-experiment. Moreover, data surrounding the benefits of the music therapy intervention protocol in the improvement of cognitive processes and the relationship with previous literature that found positive results with this type of intervention are discussed.

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Marcadores cognitivos, biológicos, anatómicos y conductuales del deterioro cognitivo leve y la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Una revisión sistemática. Cognitive, biological, anatomical and behavioral markers of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. A systematic review


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects 50% of people over 85 years of age and is one of the most common in adulthood and the most common cause of dementia in developed countries. The objective was to determine which have been the most studied cognitive, biological, anatomical and behavioral markers of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD in the last 10 years. Observational studies were searched in the Scopus, Pubmed and Sciencedirect databases. 187 articles were identified, of which 23 with full text were finally selected. The studies corresponded to cognitive (15 studies), biological (8 studies), anatomical (3 studies) and behavioral (2 studies) markers. The identified markers will help guide the design of early detection programs and future interventions that reduce neuropathological effects and significant alterations in quality of life.

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Manifestaciones neurológicas del lupus eritematoso sistémico: Revisión de literatura. Neurological manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus: A comprehensive literature review


Among autoimmune diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) stands out. This disease is characterized by the involvement of several organs and systems, including the central nervous system, in which it produces various complications, some rare or documented in the literature, which makes its diagnosis difficult, resulting in delays for its treatment. Many of these complications occur after the initial diagnosis of SLE; for that reason, a neurological evaluation is recommended in the followup of patients with SLE.

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Calambres musculares relacionados con uso de donepezilo. Donepezil-related muscular cramps


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Heterotopía en banda en paciente con crisis de ausencia: A propósito de un caso. Band heterotopia in a patient with absence crisis: A case report


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Tuberculoma intramedular espinal que simulaba una lesión tumoral, en un paciente con desnutrición y consumo de estupefacientes. Spinal intramedullary tuberculoma that simulates a tumor lesion, in a patient with malnutrition and drug use


Intramedullary spinal tuberculoma is a rare form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. In most cases the diagnosis is made by biopsy of the lesion and histopathological study. We present the case of a 28-year-old male with a history of malnutrition and drug use who presented progressive paraparesis with sphincter compromise secondary to a dorsal intramedullary tuberculoma. At the beginning a tumor lesion was suspected, however, findings of pulmonary tuberculosis, lymph node biopsy and a positive tuberculin protein derivative study confirmed the clinical diagnosis of spinal tuberculoma.

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Síndrome alcohólico fetal. Reporte de un caso. Fetal alcohol syndrome. Case report


Prenatal exposure to alcohol is one of the main preventable causes of birth defects and developmental disabilities. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a term used to describe the physical, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorders that can be detected in an individual who was prenatally exposed to alcohol.

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Encefalitis autoinmune. Autoimmune encephalitis


Autoimmune encephalitis is a recently described pathology as inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, previously characterized as a paraneoplastic syndrome. However, advances in technology have allowed to categorize it as an entity, with an specific physiopathology, and a clinical presentation based on the developed auto-antibody, but, the wide clinical presentation, the insidious development of the symptoms, the mimic with other pathologies and the lack of knowledge of this condition in the emergency room and hospitalization services, does not permit to diagnose this condition, leading to potentially fatal complications. We report the case of a 26-years-old female with autoimmune encephalitis, and a literature review regarding this topic.

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Discapacidad asociada a manifestaciones neurológicas de COVID-19. Disability associated with COVID-19’s neurological manifestations


Introduction: COVID-19 is mainly a respiratory illness, however, with an incidence in nearly a third of patients of neurological manifestations secondary to affection to the central or peripheral nervous system, used to be more frequent in severe illness, having a wide range of disability and mortality.

Clinical case: We present the clinical case of a 39 years old female ,previously healthy, with diagnosis of COVID-19, initiating her illness with encephalitis and status epilepticus, posteriorly longitudinally extensive myelitis and anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, which, despite of opportune diagnosis and treatment, she had a poor outcome developing persistent vegetative state.

Conclusions: COVID-19’s neurological manifestations could lead to a high risk of disability and mortality, needing an opportune detection and treatment, with a high suspicion of encephalitis and status epilepticus in patients with decrease of alertness and focal motor symptoms.

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