Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome (CHS) after stent placement has a low incidence, between 0.37- 1.9% (1,2). We present a case of CHS due to recanalization in right internal carotid artery (ICA) which, contrary to expectations, produces a hematoma on a dependent area of the posterior cerebral circulation. Through the clinical case, we proceed to delve into the CHS and the characteristics that give the patient a higher risk. In addition, we expose the potential usefulness of the neurosonological study of inter-individual variability for better perioperative management. In this way, we can ensure a good therapeutic approach that minimizes morbidity and mortality as much as possible.
Síndrome de hiperperfusión cerebral
Hemorragia en área dependiente de circulación cerebral posterior por síndrome de hiperperfusión tras stenting en arteria carótida interna. Hemorrhage on a dependent area of posterior cerebral circulation due to hyperperfusion syndrome after stenting in internal carotid artery
Palabras clave: Hemorragia intracerebral,
Síndrome de hiperperfusión cerebral,