Fingolimod is a disease-modifying therapy widely used in Relapsing-Remittent Multiple Sclerosis. It blocks the capacity of lymphocytes to leave the lymph nodes, causing lymphopenia. This increases the risk of infections, but also non-melanocytic skin tumours. We report a case of Merkel cell carcinoma in a patient treated with fingolimod and a review of the literature, which helps to understand the relation between immunosuppression, opportunistic infections and cancer.
Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Carcinoma de Células de Merkel en Paciente con Esclerosis Múltiple en Tratamiento con Fingolimod. Merkel Cell Carcinoma In A Patient With Multiple Sclerosis Treated With Fingolimod
Palabras clave: Cáncer,
Carcinoma de células de Merkel,
Efectos adversos,
esclerosis múltiple,