Prior to review of literature, we present the case of a 51 year old woman, with arterial hypertension, who presented with a hemorrhagic stroke due to multiple intracranial aneurysms rupture (totally 4). Family history reported a sister died because of the same cause. The patient underwent aneurysms clipping, with a non-complicated after–surgery period. She was discharged in satisfactory general and neurological conditions. Nowadays, she undergoes a normal life, with no neurological deficit.
Intracranial aneurysms
Aneurisma Gigante de la Bifurcación de la Arteria Cerebral Media: Reconstrucción con Clipaje y Microsutura
The key for the treatment of giant intracranial aneurysms is its exclusion from the circulation and restoration of the normal anatomy. This report describes the technique of the middle cerebral artery bifurcation reconstruction using microsuture aneurysmorraphy and clipping.
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Aneurismas Intracraneales Grandes y Gigantes
Globular intracranial aneurysms are those that have a diameter between 15 and 25 mm, and giant aneurysms are those measuring more than 25 mm. The managing of these lesions in controversial. While mosto studies favor surgical exclusion of globular and giant intracranial aneurysms, several non-surgical options of management have been recently developed. In the present study, we report our experience with 15 operated globular and giant aneurysms over a 17 –year period. We analyze the time elapsed between bleeding and surgery, as well as the surgical technique and the outcome. We compare our results with other studies and consider that surgery is the therapeutic approach of choice for these lesions.