Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Neurología, de la Liga Ecuatoriana Contra la Epilepsia y de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Enfermedad Cerebrovascular



Mi breve recorrido por las encefalitis autoinmunes. My brief journey through autoimmune encephalitis.

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Consideraciones sobre los posgrados de medicina en el Ecuador. Considerations about medical postgraduate education in Ecuador

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La donación de órganos y tejidos en Ecuador. Organ and tissue donation in Ecuador.

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El valle del rift y los australopitecos. Rift valley and australopithecines.

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Infarto cerebral en mujeres. Stroke in women

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Neurología fuera de la ciudad capital. Neurology outside the capital city

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Con historia hacia el futuro. With a history to the future

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La historia del COVID-19 no terminará con el control del SARS-CoV-2. ¿Qué se debe esperar de las comunidades rurales de América Latina más allá de la pandemia. Una perspectiva neurológica. The COVID-19 history will not end with the control of SARS-CoV-2. What should be expected in rural communities of Latin America beyond the pandemic? A neurological perspective

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Un año después. A year later

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Telemedicina y Neurología. Telemedicine and Neurology.

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Impacto de la COVID-19 en el Ecuador: De los datos inexactos a las muertes en exceso. Impact of COVID-19 in Ecuador: From inaccurate data to using excess mortality.

COVID19 has hit Ecuador drastically. In fact, until today around 75.000 confirmed cases and almost 9.000 deaths because of the virus has been showed by Official Statistics in the country. Good decisions can be made having data of high quality, but the national public health system was not able to provide such as input. Because of this, multiple sources of information and insights about the behavior of the pandemic in the country has appeared. From journalists and economists to health experts, all have published graphics and statistics that show how bad was managed the sanitary crisis in Ecuador. The typical elements to track a pandemic in any country are contagious and mortality curves but the difference in the results across the government, academic units and experts has woke up an intense debate. As information was not accurate, many people left to pay attention and as a result it might be seen that this disinformation contributed to the increase of contagious in our country. The crisis has been hard for many countries but international media like The Economist1 and Financial Times2 in United Kingdom developed an easy method to track the evolution of pandemics in any country.

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Bioética, Epidemias y Derechos Humanos. Bioethics, Epidemics and Human Rights

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¿Es Posible Regular Concursos de Jefaturas de Servicio? La Importancia del Cambio y la Diversidad. Is It Possible To Regulate The Service Chief Competition? The Importance Of Change And Diversity

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Educarse Virtualmente. Virtual Education.

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Revistas Predatorias, Que Son y Como Evitarlas. Predatory Journals: What They Are And How To Avoid Them.

The progress of humanity goes hand in hand with the production of new scientific knowledge. To carry out an investigation has as its ultimate purpose to fill an information gap in the endless and dynamic universe of knowledge. It is said that unpublished information is non-existent information and this assertion is the one that provokes a frenzy within the researchers to look for opportunities to publish their results. This growing demand becomes an opportunity for those who seek to profit from the needs of teachers, researchers, students and professionals in general who try to publish their results every day.

It is currently estimated that there are more than 10,000 journals that seek to publish results in exchange for money, with a non-existent or a very brief peer review, known as predatory journals. They multiply exponentially and endanger the credibility of the science worldwide. In this brief editorial we seek to explain what predatory journals are, how to identify them and how to avoid them within the context of scientific production in the medical field.

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Bioética, Neurociencia y Neurología. Bioethics, Neuroscience and Neurology.

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Publicar Desde América Latina. ¿Hay un Grado de Dificultad Mayor? Experiencia del Proyecto Atahualpa. Publishing From Latin America. Is There A Greater Degree Of Difficulty? The Atahualpa Project Experience.

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La Enfermedad Cerebrovascular en Ecuador. The cerebrovascular disease in Ecuador.

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El Resurgir de la Neurociencia Ecuatoriana: La Revista Ecuatoriana de Neurología. The Resurgence Of Ecuadorian Neuroscience: Revista Ecuatoriana De Neurología.

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El Proyecto Atahualpa. The Atahualpa Project

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Residencia y Subespecialidades Neurológicas en los Estados Unidos. Neurology Residency And Subspecialities In The United States.

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Adicciones Comportamentales e Interdicción por Disipación

La dinámica del mundo actual hace que la ansiedad cause estragos, disfrazándose de múltiples propuestas sintomáticas entre las cuales, las adicciones comportamentales
o conductuales están adquiriendo la mayor tasa de crecimiento con edades de inicio cada vez más tempranas.
En la psiquiatría moderna (DSM-5) estas se categorizan entre las patologías de los Trastornos Adictivos a sustancias y no relacionados con sustancias (adicciones) y el Trastorno Obsesivo Compulsivo y trastornos relacionados (conductas compulsivas), siendo conceptualmente actividades humanas diversas, a menudo placenteras y sin relación con la ingestión de sustancias químicas.

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Feasibility of Global Sleep Research in Rural Areas of Low-and-Middle-Income Countries. The Atahualpa Project Experience

Changes in lifestyle, including sedentarism, shift work and increased visual contamination, have modified sleep patterns and increased the prevalence of sleep-related disorders in remote rural areas of many low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). However, there is scarce information on the public health impact of sleep-related disorders in these regions and publications lack consistency in their design and use of research tools, which creates barriers for proper comparison of results across populations. Moreover, in the largest studies on sleep-related disorders conducted in LMIC, individuals were interviewed with only one or two questions, which might not reflect the actual magnitude of the problem. In our opinion, the goal should not be to interview tens of thousands of individuals but to study them well by selecting representative populations of different regions to evaluate them thoughtfully and uniformly.

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Unidades Multidisciplinares

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MENSAJE DE LA EDITORA: Nueva presentación de la Revista Ecuatoriana de Neurología.

Not Available.

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Entre el médico y el paciente: Una relación fundamentalmente humana.

Not Available.

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Manifestaciones no motoras de la SEN.

Not Available.

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Las enfermedades neurológicas en el Ecuador: Un llamado a la acción.

Not Available.

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Verdaderos valores del ejercicio profesional.

Not Available.

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La neurología en el Ecuador.

Not Available.

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Licencia Creative Commons
Salvo que se estipule lo contrario el contenido de la Revista Ecuatoriana de Neurología está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional.